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It took about half an hour for the gator to give his "boring and required" part of the grand tour. A lot of what he said was the same as what you'd already been told, but the biggest difference was that Monty actually guided you around and showed you where things were located. He even snagged a Sharpie to mark certain areas on your map, though he promised that you'd get the hang of your routine soon enough.

"Like Scott said, girlie, ya get two weeks or so in one area. Then, when you feel confident, they move ya to a new one." As he spoke, the two of you wandered the utility areas, and his heavy tail swept from side to side, banging against everything and generally making a lot of noise. But all of a sudden he squatted down, jumped, and landed a good dozen or so feet in front of you, arms out. The floor shook when he landed, making your stomach drop for a moment. "That's it! That's the boring junk outta the way! You know the custodial areas, bathrooms, employee areas, the works. But," he added, chuckling, "this day ain't over yet. I got twenty minutes before I need to be on stage, and that's plenty of time for us to hit up the Prize Counter."

Prize Counter? "I... guess so? But aren't those for guests who... you know... win tickets or something? I haven't exactly won anything."

Monty threw his head back and laughed, showing off his maw full of teeth. Why did they have to be so sharp?! "Course you won! You got a job here, don'tcha? That's calls for celebration in my book! Plus you got the mighty Montgomery Gator as your amazing tour guide, and I say you deserve a nice prize!"

Honestly, he was nothing like what you'd been expecting. Then again, you weren't sure what you would have expected after being told an alligator would guide you around. But Monty was charming and friendly, super outgoing but more kind than you could have asked for.

And for one brief moment it made you choke up; all this kindness and support from someone not exactly human.

"H-hey, hey, girlie, don't cry. I'm sorry if I'm makin' you cry," he murmured, venturing close and removing his starry sunglasses again. There was genuine sorrow in his crimson eyes. "Did I say somethin' wrong?"

You shook your head rapidly, trying to wipe away the tears that decided to make an appearance. "N-no, no, Monty... shit, I'm sorry. I don't know why I got choked up." You took a few deep breaths, one gator claw on your shoulder for support. "... actually, I do know why I got choked up." Monty raised an eyebrow. "How are you so... supportive?"

"Uhhhh..." he trailed off. "Am I not supposed to be? You're new here, probably intimidated by the size of the place- and by me- so I'm just tryin' to make ya feel welcome." The gator shrugged, but opened his arms wide. "Would a hug help?"

You were on the fence about it. He seemed powerful enough to break your spine in half... but rhythmic clanging noises made you look behind him: his tail was wagging and smacking into the metal shelves on either side. Bursting into laughter you accepted the hug, and were promptly lifted off the floor in Monty's arms.

His tail only wagged harder. The hug lasted longer than you realized, and you gently pat his shoulder. "Um... Monty...?"

"Just... gimme a sec. Sorry, I just... don't get hugs often."

How could you say no?


A minute or so later found the two of you in the large Prize Counter on the third floor. The attendant behind the register seemed surprised to see Monty leading you around, but in a pleased and happy way.

Leaning on the counter, the gator waved a hand to shoo you. "Go on, pick your prize, girlie. And don't be shy about it, either; if you want the biggest plush you can carry, grab it." His eyebrows wiggled again. "Might I suggest the far corner ones? Oh hey, those are of me, how convenient."

You snorted and laughed; he sounded conceited but you knew his tone was joking. Shaking your head you wandered away, taking in the sight of all the merchandise the Prize Counter had to offer.

Monty wasn't kidding about the plush toys; the ones in the center of the piles were enormous. Hell, they were probably about your height! How the fuck would you be able to carry one around?!

They're probably super expensive and really hard to earn... and he's trying to talk me into taking one?

You decided against the giant ones, but a large one would certainly make you happy. They were beyond adorable, even the Sun and Moon ones off to the sides. But they also had other prizes, like shirts, piñatas, smaller toys and the like...

Your gaze landed on something specific and you called out to the gator. "Hey, Monty!"


"What if I wanted this go-kart?"

You could hear him cackling. "How you gonna get it home if you drove here?!"

Damn. He had a point. "Fair enough," you called back before returning to the plushie piles. Honestly, it was hard to choose just one--

No, it wasn't. Once your eyes landed on it you immediately snatched it up. Not one of the giant ones, but definitely one of the big plush toys that would have taken you months of games to earn. Carrying your prize back to Monty, you smiled. "Okay, since I can't get a go-kart home, I want her."

Monty lifted his glasses, eyebrows going with them. "Well, then. Figured you to be a bear fan, not a wolf one."

"She's adorable and if you say I can have anything in here that obviously isn't a go-kart, I want the wolf."

Lowering his glasses, he gazed at you with an expression you couldn't quite read. Like he was trying to grin and his bot form wouldn't allow for much. "I'll make sure Roxy knows she's got a fan, then. You all set? Cause it's almost showtime."

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