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"Everything all right...?" You didn't get far from Freddy's green room, hardly maneuvering around the stupid velvet ropes before you saw Gregory standing there, his arms crossed. The concern on his face was palpable. "You look--"

"I fucking quit, fuck this fucking shit, nice to meet you or whatever but fuck this, I'm out." You made an attempt to walk past him, only to have Chica in your way now.

In fact, all of them were there, varying degrees of worry on their faces but essentially blocking you from escaping.

What the fuck is happening...

--No, I don't care. I'm DONE.

"Girlie?" Monty inched towards you, apparently finished with whatever fucking human thing he'd been hiding behind or... whatever. "Girlie, I know this ain't exactly what you, uh... signed up for. But..." His claws wrung together, eyes darting around to make sure no other guests could eavesdrop. "... Remember what I was talkin' about earlier? About showin' you something that'd blow your mind?" He held his arms out, chuckling nervously for a second. "Surprise?"

The gator was given the double bird salute, even if it broke your heart a little to see his tail drooping again. "You think I'm sticking around for this? Think again! Do I look like I'm just gonna sit back and accept this insanity?! Like Oh, okay, these highly advanced animatronics aren't actually advanced, they're just really, really self aware because they turn human! Sure, that makes a lot of fucking sense!" You tried again to leave, but the bear himself stood directly behind you. "Move."

"When we are certain you'll come back, I will move," Freddy replied, as saddened as the rest. "You are quite adamantly against this concept."

"You think?!"

"May I ask: why, though?" The bear's ears wiggled a tiny bit as his head shifted, a layer of curiosity covering his deep concern.

"Do you actually have to ask why I'm done," you spat, incredulous. "This shit is fucking insanity."

"Girlie, listen," Monty tried again, taking a chance and approaching you a bit closer. "Almost nobody knows about this thing, yeah? And if I wasn't comfortable enough around you, believe me, I'd have done a better job of hiding it." His heavy tail still hung low as he pulled his sunglasses off, pleading with you with his scarlet eyes. "Please don't leave. It ain't every day we find someone like you, you seem to just... fit in. Like you were meant to from the beginnin'."


"Please. I'm beggin' ya. We all are." There was a distinct note of desperation as he spoke, and it honestly did hurt to hear. "I ain't sure why you just accepted us so easy, but that might be a part of it. You treated us like we were... I dunno, more than characters in a band for kids. Dig?"

At your side immediately, Roxy had taken your hand into both of her own, her tail wagging slightly behind her. "Kids don't usually listen to us, not really. They're here to see us, and they all have their favorites, but they don't know that we feel more. Most of the adults... they don't think it's logical. L-like you. But you still cared enough." Those golden eyes gazed into your own, and her grip tightened for a moment on your hand. "You... y-you don't think I'm a loser. You don't think Monty is a monster. You don't know us but you care more than almost anyone. Please don't go..."

The wolf had a hitch in her voice, and you knew she was close to crying again. Beside her, the gator shrugged his broad shoulders, offering a saddened grin as best he could in his plastic frame.

"Perhaps I have a solution to your hesitation, miss," Freddy spoke up again, one hand at his chest. "A trial run for two weeks or so. The duration of your time spent cleaning Rockstar Row, in fact. Take your time learning the job, understanding your duties, and getting to know the Pizzaplex." Sensing at least some calm now, the bear looked visibly happier. "If, after those two weeks are over, you are still uncomfortable with this, then we will not stop you from leaving. But my friends have taken quite a strong liking to you, and I am happy that they are happy."

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