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You spent a few more minutes sitting with Roxy, letting her calm down with your reassurances. Her paws gripped your hands the entire time, as if she were afraid to let go.

I have no idea what's happening. I came here needing a job and I'm ending up being a therapist to two animatronics.

But... why? Or rather, how did it end up this way? You had the feeling Monty was the start of it; all of his behavior and reactions did not scream robotic. He felt too real, too alive. And the more you spent time with them, the more you wanted to see.

The wolf paws clutching you held more emotion than you'd seen from some humans. Monty's eagerness to hug you and his sudden downward spiral spiked your guilt and curiosity in one fell swoop.

They felt things, good and bad. And you, for whatever reason, wanted to be there for them. It was as though you were drawn to their cries for some sort of help. Help that they clearly had not gotten before.

... maybe I can change that.

Reaching up after gently prying a hand free, you brushed the hair from Roxy's eyes again. "Can I ask you something?" She nodded enthusiastically. "Earlier when I was getting my employee stuff, the guy... uh, Gregory, I mean... he and Monty were talking. Monty said something about getting beat up and having his hands taken...?"

Her gray ears fell, eyes cast downward. Her free paw rose as if to cover them, but decided against it at the last second. It was like a reflex, almost. Roxy took a moment to clear her head, to shove that single blind night out of her mind. "... I'm not so sure you want to hear it from me. If anyone is gonna tell you about that, it's Freddy."

Freddy Fazbear, their bandleader. The one whose namesake was plastered all over everything. But she knew that Freddy had been the only one in Safe Mode that night, and his calm demeanor would be able to find the proper words to tell you what had happened. If one of the others had tried, well... Monty had already shown a depressive side. Roxy would be liable to burst into tears. And Chica would probably shut down and curl into the fetal position in the corner of her green room.

You, of course, did not know most of this, but you could only take the wolf's word for it. You felt very much like you were filling a role that the band desperately needed, despite knowing next to nothing and in the dark as to what they really were. So you squeezed her paw, and got a squeeze right back. "Will you take me to meet Freddy, then, please? I think I need to meet him anyways."

"Of course," Roxy answered. But her grip tightened, and your heart sank for a split second. "On one condition."

"U-uh... what's the condition...?"

She took a deep breath, leaning over to embrace you closely. You weren't lifted off the ground, but the wolf nuzzled into your neck. "Please come back to see me."

Oh. That was all? You rubbed her back, noticing her fluffy tail starting to wag. "You don't even need to ask, Roxy."


She was giddy the entire time, walking you to Freddy's green room, which honestly didn't need any directions... but at least Roxanne would be able to spend just a little more time with you if she took you there.

Though she ended up staying when there was no answer to your knock at the door. "That's... weird," she mumbled, head tilted. "He's usually really quick to open the door for people. Or anyone, rather." With swift movements, she left your side and checked the gap in the curtain at the window. "... where is he?"

You knocked again, harder and hopefully loud enough; seconds passed before thundering footsteps confirmed your hopes. The door slid open and you were immediately greeted with a blue lightning bolt in your face. "Forgive me for the delay," came Freddy's reassuring voice. His ears wiggled, expression shifting so you knew he was genuinely sorry. "I had some business to take care of, and it was rather important."

"Freddy, I thought you said your recharge station was repaired?" Roxy chimed in, returning to your side.

"It was."

When he didn't elaborate, the wolf rolled her eyes. "Okay, well, I'll get the answers out later on. For now..." she cooed, gently ushering you closer to the bear. As kind and mild as he seemed, his size alone was so intimidating.

Then again, Monty would look terrifying if I didn't know how sweet he is already.

As the female keytarist vanished, Freddy's apologetic face changed to quite an impressively awkward one. "... I am being rude, please come in," he finally spoke up, stepping aside with an arm out to welcome you. "I am Freddy Fazbear, though telling you is just a formality at this point. I am glad to meet you nevertheless, miss," he added, one hand behind his back as he bowed.

His ears just kept wiggling. You smiled and introduced yourself, as well, though you couldn't quite tear your eyes away from his ears. When he tipped his head, you chewed your lip to stop from laughing. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Your ears are just..."

His hands rose to touch them. "I have both, yes?" When you caved in and started laughing, his ears perked up. "Sometimes after a show, when we require maintenance, I may or m--"

"All right, boss-man, I'd better go back and fin...d.....h..e..r........." The door at the back of the green room had slid open, a tall male emerging and trailing off mid-sentence. Behind his star-shaped sunglasses you knew he was staring- and you stared right back.

Who or what the fuck--

"--AHH..." Making a poor attempt to shield him, the bear stood between the stranger and you. Both of you just leaned to keep staring anyways. After a very long and very awkward period of time, Freddy sulked a tiny amount. "... I had been hoping you'd have spent more time with Roxy. Enough so that... this... wasn't seen so soon."

"Freddy. She ain't stupid." Removing the glasses, the other male stepped around the bear and came closer. His skin was a lovely tan color, which went well with the red mohawk. But his jeans were a dusty green, matching the open button-down that he layered over another shirt, this one black.

As he got closer, you saw that his clothing had a subtle sheen of a scaly pattern.

Then there was the choker, the bracelets, and the piercings to contend with. He smiled wide, showing off imposs--

"I quit," you spat, turning on your heel and walking out of the room.


(Not sure who made the sketch above but that's a Monty if I ever saw one. ♡)

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