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As much as Chica would have loved to chat with you all day, you had two more band members to meet. But as soon as you stepped into the hall again, you couldn't help but scan around for Monty. You had no idea where he'd gone to, and the guilt was starting to eat away at you.

Hand on your shoulder, Chica shook her head again. "You did nothing wrong. I'm sure he'll pop up before you leave for today, okay?" Cupping your face, she gave a valiant attempt to kiss between your eyes, but... she more or less pressed her beak in that spot. "Now, I'm gonna lead you to meet Roxy, and she can take you to the big bear himself. Okay?" You were squeezed into one more lung-crushing embrace before the chicken knocked at Roxy's green room door and made herself scarce.

You hardly had time to tell Chica goodbye before a clawed hand pulled you into the room, assaulting your eyes with purple. Her fluffy tail wagging, Roxanne Wolf clung to your hand as you politely took in your surroundings. "H-hi," she stammered, nervous for reasons even she was unaware of. "U-um... it's nice to finally meet you!"

Smiling, your eyes kept going to her shifting tail. "It's nice meeting you too. You're... a little taller than I thought," you added. Chica was probably about your height, but Roxy had a few inches worth of hair to help out.

Her paw ran through the pale locks, laughing in a mildly forced way. "Trust me, this 'do is more than enough for me to handle." The silence afterwards was incredibly awkward, and all at once the wolf let go of her hold on you, ears and tail drooping. "Oh, who am I kidding?" Glancing to see her curtain pulled shut, Roxy trudged towards her vanity and plopped into the seat. "Let me guess. You saw me on stage and realized you made a terrible error with that plush you had."

Blinking wildly, you shook your head, having to approach the dejected wolf so she would at least see. "No, of course not. She's too big for me to carry the whole time, and I also didn't know what the STAFF bot thing was gonna entail." Smiling a little, you laid a hand on her shoulder. "The plush is in my locker. I'm taking her home. And besides, I have a feeling it won't be the only one."

Golden eyes glanced up towards you, still a good deal saddened, but she did sit upright again. "You don't have to lie to me, you know. I hate pity, so save it. I'm a hot mess, and I'm cursed with confidence that shatters with the slightest problem." Roxy looked back down at her hands in her lap. "Nobody likes a loser," she added softly.

That was... concerning to say the least. But you felt like you had to do something. You gently turned her to face you, hands on her shoulders. "... Roxy, look at me." Her golden eyes slowly turned upwards towards you. "Having confidence isn't a curse. But having your self-esteem beaten down like this isn't a blessing, either." Kneeling down, you realized that even for an animatronic, there were flaws that were more than metal-deep. "Listen. I don't know exactly what's going on, and I haven't been here long. But from what I've seen, both Monty and you need some serious therapy time."

The wolf was quiet for a bit. "Therapy?"

"Yeah. Monty is... I don't know. AWOL, I guess. I asked him about his green room and he just sank. And considering the fact that you immediately beat yourself down the moment I walked in... Roxy, honey, that's not good." You took her paws into your hands, squeezing them a bit. "I don't know anything about the older restaurants, or even the history of this place. But I have a strong suspicion that the two of you haven't been treated the best. Or maybe something is funky with your coding, or... shit, I don't know." Shaking your head to try and clear it, you tried again. "Listen. I think what I'm trying to say is... I picked your plush without even knowing who you were. And that's not going to change now that I've met you. Whether your confidence is sky-high or you're hating who you are right this moment, I mean... hell, I still like you."

You weren't sure if animatronics were capable of crying, but her bottom jaw shook a good deal, before she leapt towards you, face buried in your shoulder and sobbing hysterically.

Fuck. I just met her. What the hell did they program her to be? And how long has shit been going on that she starts crying on the shoulder of some kind stranger?

All you could really do was keep her close, one hand gently stroking her soft, thick hair as she cried her eyes out. Her arms were around you tightly; she might not have had the ungodly strength of Chica, but Roxy definitely had sharp claws. "... honey? You've needed a good cry for awhile, haven't you?"

With a good deal of sniffling and puppy-like whimpers, she pulled back enough to nod, unsure where to put her gaze. "U-usually I... k-keep it to myself... b-but..." Roxy winced, took a deep breath, and went on. "... why are you so sweet? You don't know me."

All you could do was shrug. "I don't need to know you to be nice. But I wanted to know you, and it's obvious that you needed somebody." There were no tears coming from her eyes, but she definitely looked like she'd cried herself out. Gently brushing the green chunk of hair from her view, you cupped her cheeks. "If there's one thing I want you to take away from meeting me, it's this: you will always have me as a fan. You have fantastic skills, your style is flawless, and I think you just really need someone to open up to. I can be that somebody if you want me to be."

Roxy did not respond verbally, but her wagging tail said everything.

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