
978 62 20

In true Montgomery Gator fashion, he led you through a side door to "get the boring stuff outta the way" first. You were taken to an office, where another employee sat behind their desk. He smiled a little and stood up, hand outstretched to you. "You must be my new hire. Here to get your locker and STAFF assignments?"

You nodded and shook his hand with the one not currently gripping your plush. "Yes, sir, Monty said everything would be given to me here. But..."

He had sat back down, typing furiously, but stopped and met your gaze to be polite and attentive. "But...?" He smiled, pushing a shock of brown hair from his forehead. "Oh, let me guess. Monty told you you'd be given a STAFF bot and you're not really sure how that's gonna work?"

Behind you, the gator made a great show of being silently offended, which brought you and the other male to laugh. Still, you shook your head. "No, it was more Scott than Monty, I think."

Waving a dismissive hand he turned back to his typing. "Scott talks a lot. I like him, really, but once he starts talking he doesn't stop."

"Kinda sounds like you, don't it, kid?" Monty replied, eyebrows wiggling. "Come on, I was only tryin' to help..."

Kid? Did he mean you? But the male just snickered and waved his hand again. "Yeah, yeah, Monty, we get it. This time you don't have a choice but to listen to me, now, do you?" After a solid minute of typing he suddenly stood, maneuvering around his desk and opening a filing cabinet drawer. From inside he pulled out what looked like a sealed bag. This was handed to you with a smile. "Here. This has your locker number and combination, plus two keys for it. I suggest you keep the second one in your car or something. There's also your training manual, the company handbook, and your assigned STAFF bot serial number."

So you really were being given an entire animatronic to help you. You nodded a little, feeling mildly out of place, but that usually came with the territory of new jobs. "Um, thank you very much."

Monty put a hand on your shoulder. "Don't worry, girlie, I'll lead ya back to the lockers so you know which is yours. Then we can hit up the STAFF storage."

The male grinned, arms crossing. "How does it feel to be in Safe Mode, Monty?"

The gator chuckled. "Sure beats getting the snot beat outta me and my hands taken away," he replied.

Whoa, whoa... what the fuck happened here? Hands taken away?!

Before you could ask any questions, you were being gently guided back out of the office. Behind you, the male added, "Tell him I said hi and that I'll stop by at the end of my shift, will you?"

With a wave, Monty answered, "Sure thing, kid."

When the two of you were in the locker area, you located your own and tried the combination, as well as both keys. But your brain was on other things. "Hey, Monty?"

Rocking back and forth on his feet, the gator eyed you over his sunglasses. "What's up, girlie?"

"Who was that?"

"Gregory?" He chuckled softly. "Better off asking the boss-man about him."


Locker taken care of, you kept the handbook and training materials with you, intending on reading them once you were home. Monty led you in and out of doors and hallways until you both stood in front of a keypad mounted in front of what looked like a panel of some sort. You eyed the contraption for a bit, completely in the dark.

Nudging you with his elbow, one sharp claw pointed at the training stuff Gregory had given you. "Kid said your STAFF bot serial number was in there." The same claw pointed to the keypad, which looked like it had more than just the numbers. There were numbers, letters, even symbols. Opening the bag, you pulled out one lone piece of blue-tinted cardstock, with several numbers, letters and symbols. There was nothing more on it. "Just tell me what's there, bit by bit, and I'll punch it in here, deal?"

You shrugged, nodded, then stepped aside for Monty to use the keypad easier. "Okay, Monty, just... one by one?"


"Okay... first one is a Y..." He pressed the button, and the rest of the keys lit up. "Then an ampersand."

The gator turned his head, sunglasses in one hand and a bewildered expression on his face. "Girlie, I got no idea what that is."

"An ampersand? It's the symbol for the word 'and'." He gazed at the keys, otherwise not moving. You looked over and pointed to the correct button. "That one."

"...... the one that looks like a stick figure dude scootin' his butt along the floor? Yeah, okay." You burst into giggles as he chuckled to himself, pressing the ampersand key. "Man, I wish I was kiddin'. I think I might've known that was the 'and' key, but I had NO idea what it was called." His crimson eyes watched you for a moment or three, before they disappeared behind his glasses again. "Ya know, you're really smart as a whip, girlie. What's the next button?"

You read the last few slowly, though they were much easier. "Number three... an R... and another three."

Upon pressing the last key, the glass panel suddenly began to whirr and vibrate as whatever was going on behind it made the floor shake. Monty laid a hand on your shoulder. "Easy, now, don't need ya toppling over." All at once the noise and motion stopped dead, and the gator stepped around the keypad, reached down, and lifted the bottom of the panel.

It turned out to be a shutter-type of door, which held an ungodly number of STAFF bots behind it. With the door up, the bot was remotely taken out of the storage and set in front of the keypad, standing in total silence as the shutter closed again.

The serial number you'd been given was probably on it somewhere, but for now you merely eyed the immobile thing, unsure of what to do with it. You even eyed Monty, who could only shrug his bulky shoulders. "Sorry. I ain't seen this part before. Maybe--"

Even the big bad alligator flinched and cried out when the STAFF bot's head whipped to face you directly, eyes glowing.

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