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Their excitement subdued for the time being, the band made their way towards the Parts and Services section. Having a single room dedicated to maintaining the animatronics would never have worked, and for multiple reasons.

They had things they needed to take care of outside of mechanical issues, for instance.

Hidden behind a false wall, Freddy pressed a paw on a specific tile off to the left, behind the workbenches and deactivated endoskeletons. A door rose and revealed another area that only a select few knew existed... aside from the band, that is.

Letting out a loud and high-pitched whine, Chica stretched for a good long moment. "Oh man, a shower sounds so good right now," she said eagerly.

Chuckling as they ventured into this unseen area, Freddy nodded. "I do believe we have some time, the show did not run on for quite as long as earlier."

"Whatever you say, boss-man," Monty replied, already at one end of the row of shower doors. "I need to be in and out like lightning. I don't wanna keep the new girlie waiting." Once the door was opened Monty immediately started tossing his clothing and accessories onto the floor before the water turned on. "Man... hate quick showers. I'm takin' an extra long one tonight."

Already undressed and out of her mechanical form, Roxy poked her head out of the door to her shower. "Chica! Where's my hairspray?! I can't remember where I left it!"

"Should be on the shelves in the lounge," the other female called back.

While the girls chatted back and forth, and Monty continued to gripe about his rushed shower, Freddy considered himself fortunate to be able to take his time. If it weren't for the birthday party that requested his presence, he knew he would have been your tour guide. Not that he'd have minded meeting you, but the gator did not get many opportunities to show new hires around. And judging by the size of the Roxy plush in your hands, Monty was trying to make up for all the moments he was... not himself.

Removing the band from his ponytail, Freddy closed his eyes and smiled, at peace under the hot water. The lightning bolt and baby blue accents on his bear form did not wash away, of course, but he still had a thick head of hair to mind.

I do believe I will do something nice for  Monty. He is doing well with this new employee, perhaps I can spare a moment to chat with her.


Still in the party area in front of the stage, you simply sat by yourself as you waited for Monty to return. You weren't sure what else you could do, after all. He hadn't even mentioned anything he'd be showing you after the show. But the announcer did mention that the band needed some quick tune-ups before they came back, and you didn't want to just leave without knowing all was good.

Shit, I don't even have my schedule or anything yet. Monty showed me where the lockers and stuff are, but I don't think I can just leave without at least knowing when I need to be here again.

You checked the time on your phone; just under twenty minutes since the show ended. As a way to entertain yourself, your eyes scanned the Atrium and all of it's attractions.

Roxy Raceway is closed still... so much for trying that one. I don't know what Fazer Blast is but it sounds like laser tag. That could be fun. Kid's Cove, probably a playground.

...... wait, who's Bonnie?

The splash art of a purple bunny balancing a bowling ball on his finger caught your attention. Bowling was all well and good, but you hadn't seen any rabbit animatronics during your tour. There was plenty of art of the band, but... no rabbit.

Did I just not look hard enough? Or is Bonnie an animatronic that stays in that area? Cause I get the feeling whoever Sun and Moon are stay in the daycare.

Before you could try to figure it out yourself, thunderous footsteps caught your attention. It did make the floor shake, and you were sorry to admit that it also made you a touch nervous.

At least until you saw that it was Monty, literally trotting up to you. "Hey, girlie, I am so sorry. I hope you weren't waitin' for too long." Holding out a claw he helped you to your feet.

All at once you caught a powerful whiff of something strong. It was vaguely familiar, and certainly not unpleasant, but your surroundings didn't seem to add up with whatever the scent was. "No, no, I wasn't waiting for too long," you replied, smiling and still gripping your Roxy plush. "They said you guys needed some maintenance done after the show. Besides, I couldn't leave without saying goodbye to my favorite tour guide."

The gator chuckled, looking down and kicking at the floor with a foot. "Girlie, I'm yer only tour guide."

"And I couldn't have asked for a better one."

Monty paused, then the chairs behind him began to move and tumble as his massive tail started wagging again. This went on for three whole seconds before you were snatched and lifted into the gator's embrace again. His hug was as welcome as the last one, despite being made of metal and chrome and the like.

And just like earlier, you were held close, his grip firm but not overly so. He was mindful of his claws.

His tail was another matter.

"Girlie..." he murmured quietly, voice low, "... you don't know how much that means to me. I ain't..." Monty sighed, shoulders heaving with the effort. "Gators aren't the most gentle animals, ya dig what I mean? I was made fer kids, yeah, but..." His hold on you tightened just barely.

One of your hands made its way to the gator's broad back, and you rubbed it a little, unsure if the material could even register touch. "Monty, you okay...?" you asked, just as quietly.

"Y-yeah. I'll be good. Just... y'know... enjoying the hug. Nice to know someone ain't judging me." Gently, he settled you back down, grateful for his animatronic eyes that wouldn't be watering otherwise. "Okay, girlie, well... couple of little things I gotta do for ya, like get your locker and schedule and STAFF bot partner and all that... then I'll take ya to Rockstar Row to meet the others before ya leave. Sound good?"

Girlie... ya got no idea how happy I am right this second.

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