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Link feels the wind blowing all around him as he woke up. For a moment, he doesn't remember what happened. So much has happened and so much has changed that it feels like time is moving too fast. Sidon getting engaged and becoming King of the Zora, Yunobo created his own company, Tulin growing up and becoming an expert archer, Riju becoming an amazing leader for the gerudo.

The hylians have also moved on and were rebuilding Hyrule with Zelda leading them. Link just resumed his duties as her bodyguard, often times he just wanted to just live out in the wild or live in a quaint little home with his horses. However, the order by the king 100 years ago wouldn't let him, no matter how much he wants to. His orders: Protect the princess no matter what and to always stay by her side.

He carried out his duties as ordered until the calamity...where he had failed in his mission...that fact alone had him lay awake at night, reminding him of his failures. He sometimes wished he hadn't regained his memories because it just hurts to think how much he had to make up for.

He stuck to Zelda so he wouldn't make the same mistake as he did 100 years ago. So far, everything went well, the reconstruction of hyrule was going smoothly and Zelda was safe from danger, he made sure of it...but the gloom started to spread out of nowhere, people were getting sick from it and no one knew where it was coming from.

Zelda wanted to investigate on what is going on so she decided to go under the castle find clues. Link went with her, not wanting her to go alone. As they went deeper, they found some ancient ruins about the imprisoning war. Zelda was excited about the discovery and Link smiled a bit at her excitement, happy that she still has that thirst for knowledge even after 100 years of holding the calamity back.

They continued deeper until they came across a strange mummy like creature with a severed arm holding it down. The arm fell and everything became a blur, Link remembers the mummy beginning to move, he remembers the gloom coming from the mummy and headed towards Zelda, he remembers the excruciating pain in his right arm and trying to reach Zelda when she fell. Link blacked out after Zelda disappeared into the dark abyss in a golden light.

When Link woke up, he felt weak and ill. He almost threw up when he sat up, that's when he saw arm. To his horror, his arm looked like it had been replaced by the arm that was holding that mummy down. He almost threw up again when a voice spoke to him, telling him about his arm was beyond saving and had to be replaced.

He looked around until he saw his sword not far from him. Link ran to get it but to his horror, it was broken, practically melted to the hilt. He suddenly remembered the incident with the mummy and the gloom. With a sigh, he put the broken sword on his back and left the caves.

After a while, He managed to get off the sky island he was stuck on with the help of a spirit named Rauru, who was the original owner of his new arm. It was mind boggling that this was happening to him, Zelda is gone, he lost his arm and got it replaced by a spirit and now, that master sword was gone, taken by golden light. What doesn't make sense was how did he know Zelda? Link decided to not think about it anymore and jumped off the island, thankfully landing in a pond.

After going to lookout landing, he managed to get to Purah and explained what happened. Link then knew that his mission was sent in stone to save Hyrule once again. After much tribulation and vigorous training, he faced off the true evil, Ganondorf, the Demon King.

Fighting the Demon King was exhausting, especially when he was so powerful. After he managed to defeat him, but Ganondorf, in a last ditch effort to create his new world, ate the sacred stone and became a dragon, nearly killing Link during the transformation.

Thankfully, the light dragon, came to his rescue and together, managed to destroy the sacred stone, killing Ganondorf. Link was relieved and sighed in exhaustion, kneeling down and patting the dragon on the head, knowing full well who the dragon was when he went on that dragon quest. "Thank you, Zelda...I'm so sorry that I failed to protect you again," Link sobbed out, knowing full well there was nothing he could do to bring her back....

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