Chap. 1 heartbreak

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Wills POV:

"I'm sorry Will." She spoke softly. "I just don't feel anything towards you anymore." Thats the moment Will had truely felt his heart shatter in a long while, the first time being losing his dear mother. The boy stayed silent not really knowing how to respond to the aching he felt in his chest. He nodded trying hard not to burst into tears like a 6 year old boy. "I just, veiw you as more of a brother than a husband." "You could've thought to tell me that long before the night before our wedding" he hissed. "Will!" she called as he turned and began running out of the house and onto the cold night's streets. 

He couldn't belive it. It was all too much for him. He had always loved Elizibeth, sacrificing everything for her more than once. Why would she do this to him now? And only a night before their wedding. He felt warm tears run down his cheeks, and blurr his vision but he didn't stop running, not till he made it to the docks. He layed in a grassy area near the ocean. How nice it would be to end my suffering right here, he thought. The salty waters granting his wish and filling his lungs till he could no longer breathe, till he went unconcious for the last time. As he thought very hard about everything. About Elizibeth and his neverending love for her, about death and its kindness, and about himself. He grew angry with himself thinking about it. She wouldn't have dumped him if he wasn't the way he was. There had to be something wrong with him. He cried more and ended up crying himself to sleep. 


Elizibeth's POV: 

She felt horrible. She still loved Will, just not in the getting married kind of way. As she watched him run off into the night, she called his name to no response. She sat on her bed, about to cry herself. She never meant to break his heart, and she had wanted to marry him at one point in time. That time had just ended. "Elizibeth," She heard her father call. "Whats all this noise about at 11:00 PM. That's when she broke down crying. "I'm sorry father." "Now what on earth could be wrong child? Her father questioned. "I can't do it" she sputtered. "I can't marry him." Her fathers deminer turned cold. "Young girl you listen here. Now Williams the only man who will take you at this point, and I've payed quite much for this wedding not for you to call it off last minute." His tone was stern. "Don't you know what embarassment it will mean for me to have my daughter call off such a big wedding. People might even frame you as a witch!" He was panicked now. "Don't you speak another word of this nonsense to anyone, especially the lad." "I-I already told him" she stuttered. "You foolish girl! Look what you've done to us. I won't have anymore of you until the morning, mabey then you will have come to your senses." And with that her father slammed the door behind him leaving her to her thoughts.


Jack's POV: The breeze felt nice as it blew through Jacks hair. The waves gently crashed against the Pearl giving that calming sway as he steered the ship. "Jack" a familliar voice called behind him. "Eh?' Mr. Gibbs came from behind him. "Should be till about midnight that we arrive sir" Midnight, he thought to himslef. Midnight and he would once again see his old friends, and drag them back into danger once agian. Honestly he was glad. He missed them both very much though he would never dare to admit it. "That's good Gibbs, why don't you check around'n make sure those dogs of a crew are doing their job he grined." "Aye Captin", and with that he was off. Jack wondered about them more specifically Will, he had really missed Will. He wondered if they'd been married yet, probably. He wouldn't be too suprised if they'd had a bunch of younging running around ny now. Jack hoped not. He didn't really know why. The thought of little Will's running around made him smile. Just then as he was thinking about Will and their past, and how he met him he started to feel...different. He knew this feeling, he had actually had it the last time he saw Will, and every 1,233 times he'd thought about him in the past year. He brushed it off though. Probably just the rum.....right?


If anyone ever even reads this, thanks. I enjoy writing and realized there's just not enough of this ship so I decided to write my own story on it. Hope you enjoy!

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