Chap. 6 Gay

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Jack's POV:

The captin awakened to a warm body pressed against his stomach. He raised his head only to find his arms wrapped around none other than William Turner. He swallowed the lump in his throat. Will was so cute in his sleep the pirate thought to himself as he unwrapped his arms slowly, trying not to wake Will. He brushed the boys hair from his face and admired how peaceful he was asleep. Normally, Wills face was plagued with fear and sorrow, but now it was relaxed, and he was smiling. It had been a while since Jack had seen him smile, but it made him feel warm with little butterflies bouncing around in his stomach. He tried to get up, but in his sleep, Will grabbed him and turned so that he was facing Jack. The captins face heated up. Wills face was only 2 inches away from his, he wrapped an arm around the boys torso, and in response Will buried his face into Jack's chest.

Wills POV: Will woke up with a grunt. He was happy at first, but then it hit him he was cuddled up in Jack's arms. The blacksmiths stomach turned. "Mh Will?" Jack opened his eyes to Wills face so close to his that theirs noses were barely touching. Wills eyes went from Jack's to his lips, subconsciously licking his own. What was this burning feeling in his chest? They stayed like that for at least 20 seconds before neither of them could stand it. Slowly, their lips drew closer. They kissed for about 8 seconds before Will snapped out of it and jumped up. "Jack, what are we doing!"W-We were kissing." "Why?!"I don't know ya kissed me." They both sat up. "I'm not gay!" "Then whydya kiss mi." Will got up. "I don't know, but I like girls." "Me too, mate."Good." "Good" And with that, Will stormed out of the room. What the hell is wrong with me, he thought. Mabey, it was just all the stress. He had a bad breakup, he was hallucinating....wait, did he hallucinate that? Honestly, right now, he didn't know what to think. "Am I gay?" He spoke aloud. He didn't know much about gay people except what the Catholics, and townspeople said (nothing nice). Was Jack gay, he did kiss him back. Will ran his hand through his hair, and that's when Elizabeth walked over to him. "Will, are you ok?"Oh, yeah, I'm fine." She glared at him. "I know what you did." " I-I don't know what you're talking about." "How could you, moving on so fast its almost like you never loved me. " Of course I did, I still do!" She shook her head and grinned evilly. "No you didn't thats why I left you, that and because you're gay.
He began to slowly walk backward away from her. Gay, gay the entire crew began to chant together, almost zombie-like. Gay, gay, the boy turned around to see what he'd just bumped into, and of course, the giant grandfather clock stood there towering over him. God, it had the creepiest chime. "Will?" Will spun around to see Elizabeth very confused. "What's wrong?" He tried to open his mouth, but he was speechless. "I-I I I don't, I mean, I-" He didn't want to cry in front of her, but he was terrified. Will turned around again so that he wasn't facing her, and of course, the clock was gone without a trace. She put her hand on his shoulder. "Oh William, you know you can tell me." "Look I don't know." He choked on his tears. "I've just been really stressed lately, and I think I'm just sleep deprived." This is about us, isn't it, I'm so sorry. I'll sleep on the deck for the night if you feel too uncomfortable sleeping with me."No, no, it's fine, you sleep in bed -" "No, really, I insist." Elizabeth, it's ok. I slept with Jack, in a bed, don't worry about me." " You slept with Jack? And he let you?"I mean yeah he we- " Did I hear my name?"Jack!" Will jumped at the sound of his voice. "Will." He responded. Will looked up into his eyes and began to feel lost. His face began turning red, and he had butterflies. Shit I have a crush on him, Will thought to himself. I am gay. "I've been looking for ya, mate." Jack gave a quick smile at Elizabeth before turning back to Will. Will got really nervous, and his speaking sped up, he had a bad case of word vomit. "Yeah me too, well not really, I mean not yet, Elizabeth stopped me so I had to talk to her and then-" " It's alright mate, but meet me in the Captins Quarters at 17:00 (that's 5:00 for all those who don't know military time) we have something important to discuss. The pirate patted Wills's shoulder, and the boy nearly died. "Alright then, see ya, captin." Will saluted him before he walked off. Shit! Why the fuck did I do that, that was so dumb. "What was that all about?" Elizabeth wore a confused look. "Nothing Elizabeth, I mean I don't know yet." "Oh it's El now" "What?" " El, Jack nicknamed me El." "Oh, ok uh well guess I'll see you around El." She saluted him with a sarcastic grin as she walked off. "Oh goddammit what I'm I gonna do" the blacksmith said to himself.

El's POV:
She walked off confused, but worried about Will. Yeah she dumped him, but she still really cared about him. He had been so jumpy lately especially around Jack. Ohhhhh. El always knew Will might swing both ways, takes one to know one. That's right she was bisexual. She found out from an old friend when she was 12. A Girlfriend. Ok so they were never actually dating but they made out a couple times. Ever since then she has liked both.

Jack's POV:

He sat in his quarters anxiously. Will would be down any second. Will had said that he wasn't gay, but he did kiss him, for quite a few seconds to. And don't think Jack didn't catch the boy staring at his lips. He was startled out of his thoughts by a knock on the door. "You wanted to see me, captian." "Yes, um, sit down." Will had a seat on the bed right next to Jack. " William, you know why you're here, right?" "Yeah, look I'm sorry for running out on you I just got really scared" Will was fighting tears "I just have a lot going on right now with Eli- er EL and I'm sleep deprived and hallucinating. The boy was fully sobbing by now. "What do you mean by hallucinating?" Jack looked very concerned now.

(TW: talk about self-harm skip until end of TW)

"There's this clock I keep seeing, a grandfather clock, and I'm having nightmares about my mom, and it all got so overwhelming so I-" he looked down to his arm where there were now two marks, one from the other day and a fresh one from about an hour ago. "Will, what's this from?" Jack's voice was soft now but stern, he knew what Will had done. The boy sniffled. "And don't lie to me."I don't know, I just got super overwhelmed with everything so I-" "So you did this?" Will noded. Jack put his arm around Will and hugged him. "I'm sorry." "Don't be, it's not yer fault, mate."Jack, please don't tell anyone."I won't, but yer gonna have to talk to me and tell me the truth." "Ok" " When's the last time ya did it." Will went quiet for a minute he didn't want Jack to know that he'd just cut himself before coming in. "Not too long go." "Will exactly when did ya do this." Jack was growing impatient. "An hour ago." "Will" the pirate gasped as he traced his finger down the boys fresh cut. "I know I'm sorry," he sobbed. "I don't want ya ta be sorry I just want ya ta stop." Jack stopped for a minute to think, then came to a decision. "You're not gonna be allowed anything sharp unsupervised, and if ya do anything like this again, I wanna hear about it. That's an order from yer captin, savvy?" "Ok"

(TW over)

They went quiet for about 5 minutes before Will spoke up. " Oh yeah, and I think I might be gay. "

Why am I cursed to love you Jack Sparrow x Will Turner ST Crossover Where stories live. Discover now