Chap 7. Tortuga

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Jack's POV:

"Oh yeah, and I think I might be gay." Jack raised his eyebrows. Had he heard that, right? "What?"Look, I know we both said we were straight, but I don't know -" "Will," the pirate whispered softly. "And how did you come to this, realization?" The boy got closer to Jack so close that he could feel his hot breath on his face. He looked him in the eye. "You." That was it. That was all it took. As soon as he'd said it, Jack was on him. Their lips clashed, and Will wrapped his arms around Jack's neck. When they finally broke apart, Will rested his head on Jack's chest. "You're a good kisser welp."

Time skip cause I'm lazy

Wills pov: The boy jumped onto the port once they'd finally made it. "Here we are, mate." Will turned to see Jack's hand on his shoulder and smiled. "So what exactly are we here for." Jack smirked at him. "Can you handle a scary story welp." "Ye-yeah. " Well, three weeks ago, a young girl down in Argentina died, horribly. Her body was all contorted, and her face, almost unrecognizable. Then, a week after that, a young Mexican lad died the same death. Same thing a week later in South Africa. All victims had their eyes cut out, leaving some to believe this was a serial killers doing, but no, I say a curse."

As she walked through the town, she noticed how diverse it was. They walked past a full-grown man crawling on the ground wearing a baby's diaper, and no one gave a shit.
There were girls with short hair  wearing pants, which she thought was super hot. There were also dumb girls who looked like the only thing they cared about were boys, sex, and being pretty. She walked past a group of them, who looked ridiculous. Everyone who had more than 2 brain cells could tell how fake they were. The "leader" had long blonde hair and was yelling at her friend for using "stupid" words. "Fech is not a thing, Gretchen! No one says fech, god you're so annoying." Jack looked over at her, and they made eye contact, both trying their hardest not to laugh at these girls, not even a foot away. And two seconds later, they were both in tears. The "leader" gave them a nasty look, so of course Jack just had to intervene. "Your stuffed bra is like so fetch," He mocked." "Filthy pirate." They stormed off. "That was very fetch of you."Shut up, Elizabeth, fetch it not a thing!"  15 minutes, and they'd finally made it. "Looking for a crew willing to search for cursed gold!" Gibbs screamed after they'd set up. The girl looked over and saw Jack whispering into Wills ear as they giggled. She smiled. Hopefully, Will was moving on now. She wanted him to be happy, and despite everything, somehow Jack seemed to be perfect for him. Just then, she felt a hand on her shoulder and whipped around, and her eyes met an enormous pair of  breasts. She looked up and saw the most beautiful face she'd ever seen. The woman who it belonged to was wearing pants and a men's shirt with a brown leather vest, laced across her chest. "Pheobe."Jack." Elizabeth turned around to see Jack wearing a rather uncomfortable look on his face. She looked back to the girl who was smirking down at her and extending her arm. "Hello, luv my names Pheobe and to what do I owe this pleasure?" She purred.  Elizabeth shook her hand, noting how long her fingers were and how soft her hand was. She had a firm handshake and a devilish grin. " And what're ya here for lass?" Jack narrowed his eyes at her as he spoke. " I'm not sure there's much we can help you with." "Well for one, I just had to introduce myself to this fine lady," El blushed as Pheobe brushed a finger down her arm slowly. "And I be wantin to join your crew in search for the cursed tresure."R' ya sure ya can handle it, sweetheart." Jack walked closer to her and twisted his face." Pheobe drew a gun to his head."I think  we'll be just fine.  Putting an arm around Elizabeth when she emphasized we'll. "Very well than," Jack bowed, "You're part of the crew." She grabbed the pen from Gibbs's hand, and swiftly wrote out her name. "Be back here 12:00 sharp, else we'll leave ya."Will do," She winked at El before strutting off. Elizabeth let out a breath she didn't know she was holding. Oh, fuuck.

A/N: Sorry this chapter took so long, I just got back from vacation, so I've been kinda busy unpacking, also I got a horrible case of writers block while writing this, so yeah. I hope you're enjoying this, and thank you so much to everyone in the comments giving feedback cause it actually motivated me to start writing again. Anyway, have a nice day, mateies. 😊 ☠️🏴‍☠️

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