Chap. 5 Mad

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Jack's POV:

Jack walked onto the deck only to find Will curled up asleep on the floor. Suddenly, the boy woke to a jolt. "Why'd ya sleep on the deck, mate?" "Oh, I-I don't know. I wa-was....really tired!" "Yer the worst liar ever." "Whatever."You were hiding from her wern't ya." Jack grinned when he was greeted with an eyeroll. He found it cute. Shit, he thought. By now, the pirate had figured it out. He was in love with Will. How could he have been so stupid. Thinking about him all the time, feeling flustered and nervous when the boy was around, his heart was skipping beats just talking with him!" Of course Jack knew he could never actually have Will, which is exactly why it was a bad idea for Will to sleep with him. But the Pirate just couldn't help it, as soon as he'd opened his mouth it was too late, he'd already invited Will. "Thanks." "No problem," Jack walked off to contemplate on what he'd just done. 

Elizabeth's POV: As she walked around the ship, she noticed two crew members arguing and goofing off instead of mopping the floor like they'd been told to do multiple times. The mop had been laid on the floor, and they had walked further away. Now was her chance to be useful. She picked up the mop and started washing the floors. "What're ya doin'?" She turned to see Jack standing behind her. "What no one else will do."Dammed crew never seem ta do nothin right." He looked at her as if he were contemplating on letting her do it or yelling at the crew for making a lady do it. "Well then, scrub her good El."El?" No one had ever nicknamed her before always mam or miss. "Yeah El its like Elizabeth but shorter, course if I'm supposed to call ya misses or somthin-" " No, I like it..El." She turned around
but of course Jack had already disappeared per usual.

Wills POV:  The sea reflected the sunset beautifully as the boy stared into the distance solemnly. He felt horrible. He was sleep deprived, scared, and maybe even depressed, but besides that, there was something about Jack. Will didn't know why, but he couldn't stop thinking about him all day. For whatever reason, he was kind of excited about sharing a bed with the captin, but also nervous. This felt unusual and freaked him out even more. Will really hated this weird mix of emotions from missing his ex to whatever was going on with Jack. Just then, he got a splitting headache. It was so bad that his ears were ringing. He moved away from the edge of the ship, and that's when he heard it. Through the ringing, he heard the eerie but steady tick of a clock. It was almost hypnotizing, like it was beckoning him forward. He followed the sound like a moth drawn to flame. It was weird as he walked he noticed how dark it had suddenly gotten, and how the wind was blowing a bit stronger, but the weirdest thing as he walked throughout the boat he didn't see one person. He walked into the storage room, and the ticking got louder, and when he turned, he froze right there in front of him. He stood an old grandfather clock with the creepiest chime. Blood dripped from it into pools on the floor. He saw his reflection in those pools, but it didn't look like him. His reflection was abnormally tall and skinny. It had dark circles under its eyes and matted hair. It was grinning at him slyly as if it was what drew him here. Bugs began to crawl out from a hole in the clock, and he felt sick. "Will!" He turned around to see Jack with a worried look on his face. "What the hell r' ya, ok?" " ye-yeah, I'm fine he stuttered, looking back to where he'd just seen the clock only to find emptiness in its place. "I-I um, I thought I saw something, that's all." Jack didn't look convinced, but he didn't argue further. "All right then, well, it's getting late. we should problem get to bed soon." Yeah, you're right.' The two walked into the captins quarters and got into bed, Will made sure to sleep on the edge of the bed away from Jack. What is wrong with me, the boy thought, staring up at the ceiling. He figured he must be going mad, probably all the stress he thought. He knew that if he went to sleep, he'd have the dream again, but he also knew that if he didn't sleep, the hallucinations would get worse. He moved closer to Jack and felt the Pirates arm wrap around his waist. He didn't push it off, though. It made him feel safe and protected. Slowly, he drifted into a long, deep sleep.

Why am I cursed to love you Jack Sparrow x Will Turner ST Crossover Where stories live. Discover now