Chapter 2

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Zaephyira sat outside the castle of  Driftmarkt, watching as her older brothers sparred with swords. She had never been much of a fighter herself, but she did have her moments.

As she watched, she noticed her father approaching. Vaemond Velaryon was a stern man, with a reputation for being strict and unyielding. Zaephyira knew that he didn't always approve of her antics, but she couldn't help being herself.

"Zaephyira," he said, his voice stern. "I need to speak with you."

Zaephyira stood up, feeling a little nervous. She followed her father into his study, wondering what he could want.

"I've heard some things about you," he said, his voice low. "Things that concern me."

Zaephyira felt her heart sink. She knew that her father could be harsh, and she didn't want to disappoint him.

"What have you heard?" she asked, trying to keep her voice steady.

"I've heard that you've been speaking out of turn yet again," he said. "That you've been saying things that are inappropriate."

Zaephyira felt a flash of anger. She didn't think she had done anything wrong.

"I'm just being myself," she said, her voice rising. "Why is that such a problem?"

Vaemond sighed, looking tired. "People will talk, Zaephyira. What of our reputation, mine? You're a young woman now, and people will judge you based on your behavior thus leading to them judging me as a father."

"I'll try to be more careful," she said, her voice softening.

Vaemond nodded, looking relieved. "Thank you, Zaephyira. I just want what's best for us."

There you have it, us not you

Zaephyira left her father's study feeling a little bit annoyed. She knew that she couldn't change who she was, but she also knew that she needed to be respectful of her father's wishes.

As Zaephyira walked out of her father's study, she felt a sense of relief wash over her. She was glad that she had been able to express herself and that her father had listened to her. But she knew that she still had a lot of work to do if she wanted to be accepted by her father and the public eye.

Later that day, Zaephyira decided to take a walk around the estate. She loved exploring the gardens and the woods that surrounded the property. As she walked, she thought about what her father had said and tried to come up with a plan.

She decided that she would try to be more respectful of her father's wishes, while still being true to herself. She would think before she spoke and try to be more mindful of the impression she was making on others.

As she walked, Zaephyira noticed a group of children playing in the woods. She smiled to herself and decided to join in. She loved playing with children and had a natural way of making them laugh.

The children welcomed her with open arms, and soon they were playing games and telling stories, the girls braiding her hair. Zaephyira felt a sense of joy and freedom that she hadn't felt in a long time.

As the sun began to set, Zaephyira said goodbye to the children and walked back to the estate. She felt a sense of peace and contentment that she hadn't felt in a long time.

When she arrived back at the estate, she found her father waiting for her.

"I heard that you were playing with the children in the woods," he said, his voice softening. "I'm glad to hear that you'renot causing havoc."

Over the next few weeks, Zaephyira made a conscious effort to be more reserved. She thought before she spoke and tried to be more mindful of the impression she was making on others.

At first, it was difficult. She felt like she was constantly censoring herself and holding back. But as time went on, she began to realize that being respectful didn't mean that she had to give up who she was.

Instead, she found ways to express herself that were more in line with her father's values. She started painting and writing poetry, which allowed her to express herself in a way that was both respectful and true to herself.

One day, as she was walking through the gardens, she came across her father. He was sitting on a bench, reading a book.

"Hello, Father," she said, smiling.

"Hello, Zaephyira," he said, closing his book. "How are you?"

"I'm doing well," she said. "I've been working on myself."

"I'm glad to hear that," he said, smiling. "I've noticed a change in you over the past few weeks."

Zaephyira felt a sense of pride wash over her. Her father gave her a sort of compliment, that happens barely well almost never. "Thank you, Father," she said, smiling.

"I'm proud of you," he said, placing a hand on her shoulder. "You're growing into a fine young woman."

Zaephyira felt a sense of joy and contentment that she hadn't felt in a long time.

"There's more that I want to talk about" Vaemond exclaimed "yes father? What would that be?" The girl asked "come let's go to my study and talk more also fetch your mother for me" he lead the way to the study

"Zaephyira, my daughter. You're doing a great job of growing into a fine lady and with that comes a responsibility, a duty. You're at the age that betrothals shall take place" Vaemond was trying to make his daughter acknowledge her duties that she needs to fulfill "so I am to be wed?" "Yes and bear children, heirs as that is your duty" Vaemond looked to his side at his wife to see if she would speak

"I know that this may seem a bit hasty and too soon for you dear but you do not need to wed, consummate the marriage and bear heirs immediately. For now we're simply looking at potential matches" Zaephyira's mother did her best to sugarcoat it and take her daughters feelings into consideration as she herself had been in the same spot many years ago

"Of course, I understand it is needed to be done and it shall be done then. I understand that your opinions in these matters and matches are best so I will leave it for you to decide. I know you will find me a perfect suitor" she smiled at her parents she couldn't do much to begin with, in this world, in this time and as a woman, the best thing she could do is sit down, be quiet and nod along with a smile.

"Great, do not worry daughter we will find you the perfect match. A strong man from a noble house with riches tied to its name. Great alliances and everything that can come with it" her father was practically salivating at the thought

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