Chapter 5

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Soon enough the king started speaking again "you make a great point young Zaephyira, I'm glad you brought this up" the king proceeded "Lord Corlys wish was for Lucerys to inherit his succession and that is what should happen, even if he survives he wil definitely denounce the possibility of Vaemond Velaryon getting the titles and claiming it as his, but Lord Corlys' wife, the princess Rhaenys is here with us, please could you tell us what would be his wish?" The king looked at his cousin letting her speak as I took a few steps back to be near the princess again

Princess Rhaenys takes her go and answers. She says Lord Corlys wished that Driftmark pass through Ser Laenor to Lucerys. My mother passed a small comment "for the atrocities said a head will pay"

"His mind never changed, nor did my support of him" Rhaenys says. "As a matter of fact, the Princess Rhaenyra has just informed me of her desire to marry her son, Jace, to Lord Corlys' granddaughter, Baela. A proposal to which I wholeheartedly agree."

Well played. King Viserys decrees the matter settled. But of course the matter isn't settled so easily, there has to be an interruption. Soon enough my father decides upon chaos

Vaemond starts to protest "You break law and centuries of tradition to install your daughter as heir, don't you dare tell me who deserves to inherit the name Velaryon," he says to the king, Prince Daemon begins to smile enjoying the event unfolding before him

"My house survived the doom, and a thousand tribulations besides, and gods be damned, I will not see it ended on account of this," Vaemond begins, motioning toward Lucerys. "And you!" He turns around and looks at me "You fucking bitch how dare you go against your own father, you disgrace this family you're no child of mine" he spat at me, with anger fuming within him he slapped me

He slapped me
He slapped me
He slapped..

Without noticing it in my fragile state Rhaenyra takes me and pulls me behind her next to her sons

Daemon taunts Vaemond to continue. Vaemond smiles and does exactly so.

"Her children are BASTARDS," he yells. "And she is a whore!" He now faces me "I suspect you are too, aren't you? Supporting their cause I bet you are and not even for money but for free a fucking joke, you open your legs for them wide and loud, do they fuck you real good huh? Fill you with their bastard seed?  You useless good for nothing whore" he continues yelling, everyone is too shocked at his vulgar words against his own child to say or do anything

Whore, whore, good for nothing
Disgrace, no child of mine
He slapped me, he slapped me

"I'll have your tongue for that!" The king angrily says but he can't nor would as he is too late, his younger brother beat him to it except he sliced his head

"He can keep his tongue" Daemon states

My tears were streaming down my cheeks by now, after my own father accused me of such vile things, I was lost in thought. Not only did he lay his hands upon me but he also said the most vulgar things. I didn't even notice what happened until Princess Rhaenyra tugged onto my arm and softly whispered for me to come with her, with that I let her take me. Her comfort was great I couldn't withstand it.

We were in her chambers and I just sobbed uncontrollably into her chest, she was hugging me while caressing my hair. It brought me a great sense of comfort yet how embarrassing it is. Soon enough my mom entered too "auntie" Rhaenyra said looking up at my mother with a smile, my mom also joined and ended up comforting me.

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