Chapter 9

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Zaephyira was drunk, and that was putting it lightly. She had all sorts of emotions running through her, which she couldn't tame. They were getting to her, angering her. She didn't know what to do, so she choose a simple way out. Drink it into oblivion, she started drowning in the cups. The best tasting ones going down faster than others but after some point she's not even realising what she's drinking, it just goes down.

Which led to some very troublesome words, moments and actions. If the hair of her family members could become any whither, it definitely would today. As Zaephyira might have toned down her emotions but at what cost? Everything came pouring out like a waterfall, whether it were through words flowing out of her mouth or the tears slipping out of her eyes.

"Why we even brating tha bastard" Zaephyira leaned against her older brother her words slurred, almost hard to understand "Zaephyira, get yourself together. And we're not even celebrating him, it's father's fucking funeral" Visaemion whispered into her ear

"Yeah but why? He!" She stood straight, yelling and pointing with the hand that was holding her drink filled cup at their father's casket "he's a piece of shit" she bent forwards, almost falling had her brother not caught her on time, she leaned into his arms again

"He always treated me badly" Zaephyira snuggled into him "why should I care? Did he care?" Visaemion hugged her "he was a shitty father but for the sake of our mother, be appropriate please Zaephyira" the older pleaded with her "o yes course completely forgor bout mum" Phyira slurred her words once again but agreeing with her brother

She then tried acting as normal as possible while being completely drunk out of her mind. People were giving her and her family their condolences, but it felt more like they were pitying her to Zaephyira. She didn't like it, it was angering her she was starting to get angry again.

Soon enough her uncle Jack came around for his turn to offer condolences "Zaephyira, niece. Don't have many words bout your father but I'm sorry for your loss, losing a parent is not easy" he offered her a smile and a pat on the shoulder and then something snapped

"Alright, all the fucking yous here" she pointed out into the crowd while uncle Jack stepped away knowing what's about to go down "stop giving me your stupid sympathy and fucking pity, I couldn't give a fuck. Want me to look for it? Sorry can't do too lazy and uninterested" she yelled out while moving her arms around

"That man there!" Pointing at Vaemond's casket "is a piece of shit" she could hear her uncle Daemon laughing at the situation, she knew he was cheering her on, on the inside "I could shit on his casket and in it too right now" with that she turned directly to the path of the casket and spit on it "my condolences father dearest" Zaephyira turned around and walked into the castle.

Eventually the funeral had to continue, whether some liked it or not. They should accept it for the man will be put away, far away for always now.

Sir Vaemond Velaryon had lived a long enough life, but his passing was still a great loss to his family and friends. The Velaryons and Targaryens are proud and noble families and houses, and they spared no expense in giving Vaemond a proper send-off.

The funeral was held at the beach of Driftmark. Sir Vaemond's body lay in state, draped in the colors of his house. The casket was a beautiful work of art, crafted by the finest artisans in the land. It was a fitting tribute to a man who had always been known for his care of wealth and the proudness for his blood.

As the mourners gathered around the casket, Vaemond's brother, Corlys Velaryon, stepped forward to deliver the eulogy. Corlys spoke of his brother's life, of his accomplishments and his kindness. He spoke of the love that Sir Vaemond had for his family and friends, and of the legacy that he had left behind.

The mourners listened in rapt attention as Corlys spoke, his words ringing out through the place. It was a beautiful and personal tribute to a man who had touched so many lives, in multiple ways.

After the eulogy, the mourners gathered outside the castle walls. Sir Vaemond's casket was carried out to the shore, where it was being pushed off into the water. And the mourners watched as it fell into the sea.

As the casket disappeared from view, Corlys spoke the words that had become a tradition in the Velaryon family. "To the sea they belong and to the sea they return," he said. It was a fitting farewell to a man who had spent his life on the waves.

Zaephyira could see her mother quietly crying so she walked up and stood next to her, she laid her head on her mother's shoulder and the women did the same, Phyira then started rubbing her back as a comfort of sorts while she herself let tears fall down her cheeks.

Her father still meant a lot to the both of them even if he was cruel or yelled a bit too often. He was still Zaephyira's father whether she liked it or not, she couldn't help but mourn the man she once knew and whom she spend her younger days with calling her dad.

Lagertha on the other hand was crying for the loss of her husband, for the security of having a husband, a head of the family. Now she was a single mother of 5, still young and a widow. What could she do without the man who was an alright husband to her?

The man whom she grew to love to some degree now being gone. She knew that her brothers, sisters, good sisters and good brothers would help her if she asked but it won't be enough as the love and place of a husband. It won't be as filling.

The mourners stood in silence for a few moments, looking mostly into the horizon as the casket had already fallen to the depths of the waters. Vaemond is now there with Lady Laena, a life that was taken too soon. Eventually, they began to disperse, returning to their homes and their lives. But the memory of Sir Vaemond Velaryon would live on in the hearts of those who had loved him, whether that's in a bad or a good way.

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