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The next day, everyone came down to eat breakfast.  Blue made a big breakfast for everyone and they all sat down at the table. There was actually quite a lot of conversation, and everyone ate hungrily. Except Red, who barely touched her food. Orange noticed this but didn't think on it as she was probably just feeling really bad. Over the course of the next few weeks, everyone had calmed down a bit, and had started returning to normal. The only weird thing was that Red wouldn't eat anything. At all. And Orange started to get more concerned. 

One night, Orange came up to Red and asked if she wanted to go on a walk, and she agreed.

They walked down a random road nearby and came to an entrance of a field.

"Do you wanna go in there?" Orange asked.

"That's where me and SC used to go..."

"Well, all the more reason to go in isn't it?"

Red sighed and agreed and they went into the field.

They walked for a bit, but suddenly, Orange started running, and was partially lost in the tall grass.

"W-Where are you going?! ORANGE! UGH!" Red shouted after him, groaning and then running after him. After only a couple of minutes, Red's chest was aching and the pain was almost unbearable, so she fell to her knees and coughed. She closed her eyes when she coughed and was horrified to find she had coughed up blood. If Orange saw that he would freak. She hurried over to another spot in the field and fortunately, Orange came over to her there.

"What's wrong? You were only running for what, like 2 minutes?" Orange asked, helping her up.

"I'm just tired that's all. And why did you run off?" She said quickly.

" I don't know. I felt like it. Running helps calm me down, clear my head, all that shit." SC said, walking back with her out of the field.

They came back home and saw that the others had already eaten and were in the living room, but Blue had been thoughtful and had put their meals in the oven to keep warm.

They took them out and sat down at the table, Red once again barely eating anything and pushing her plate aside.

"'ve barely eaten anything, eat a bit more."

"Sorry I had a big lunch today anyway..."

"Red, you ate lunch in your room and when Blue came to collect it you had barely touched anything."

"I'm full Orange, alright? I can't." Red said firmly, her voice rising a little.

Orange looked up at her.

"I'm sorry..."

(A few days later)

As they were all eating lunch, Red still didn't eat anything, and as Blue was clearing up, Green noticed as well.

"Red, you've hardly touched your food are you ok?" She asked.

"Yeah I'm fine I'm not that hungry anyways." Red replied quietly, not daring to look up.

"You should really eat something Red." Orange said.

"I'm fine honestly!" Red persisted. "...stop worrying about me, okay?" 

With that, she quickly thanked Blue for the lunch and went upstairs to her room. She came in and immediately started crying into her pillow, the tears staining it. She missed SC so much and nobody would or could ever understand just how much she missed him.

Later in the day, Red came back downstairs and Orange met her in the hallway.

"Hey Red, could I talk to you for a second?" 

"Yeah sure, what's up?" 

"Please, seriously, what's going on?"

"Orange, I-"

"Just tell me." Orange said.

Red sighed.

"I just find it so hard to eat nowadays, it's like...a way of mourning him."

"I know, it's so hard to deal with losing someone like that...but you need to eat Red, it's really important."

"I-I don't know if I can-"

"Red, I know SC wouldn't have wanted you to suffer...please, eat something? If not for yourself, for SC?"

"Ok...I'll try..." Red said, nodding and wiping the forming tears away from her eyes.

Over the next few days Red did start to eat more, but she was still coughing up blood, not letting everyone know this of course. What was happening to her?

Thanks for reading this part! Sorry to leave you guys in suspense lol. Love u guys<33

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