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Tony says "Ladies and gentlemen behold the Savage Slayer" Tony reveals a suit of armour (Inspired by the Iron Man suit and Predator suit with a dash of the Goblin suit and Conqueror Suit) this suit of armour was made with an element that Tony birthed himself as the sole creator of this element he was able to create more of it allowing him to create the suit from it. This armour was designed to be able to go on the hunt for Savage and kill him for good the invester's were skeptical about if it would work or not. However one indivual simply claps their hands with a smile they say "Congradulations Mr Tony for making such a wonderful suit of armour how about we give it a test run?" everyone turned to the voice and saw Adam who simply smiled casually he was one of the main invester's who paid the most and gave the most funding and support to Tony.

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