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It was the end of Natalia's first day of Junior year of High School, she was sat in the nurse's office with a bloody plug up her nose.

"I'm pretty much like everyone else, you know? Life's been pretty normal for me. I get by with average grades, not many friends, and a decent family. My Mami, Rosa Diaz, is a gorgeous badass private investigator who fell in love with and married my other Mom, Y/N Y/L/N, who is an immature, fun-loving Detective. It's a long story, but the two are complete opposites which makes them perfect for each other. Anyway, we moved to Brooklyn for my Mom who is transferring back to the Nine-Nine--"

"I don't need your whole life story, hun. Just tell me what happened today." The nurse interrupted.

Natalia sensed the nurse's impatience before continuing, "Okay, well, I was doing great up until I met her. We were good one minute, and the next minute, she ruined everything!" Natalia groaned.

"Just start from the beginning," the nurse insisted.


Seven hours before, Natalia stood in front of her mirror, examining her reflection. Her long, dark curly hair was neatly styled. She adjusted her mood ring and straightened her leather jacket, she was ready to face the day, "Nat, hurry up! You're going to be late for your first day," Y/N called from the kitchen.

"Okay, okay." She muttered, grabbing her phone, headphones, and her bag before heading down the hallway.


In the kitchen, Y/N was making breakfast as Rosa was sipping her coffee at the kitchen table when Natalia wandered into the room, "Morning, Mija," Rosa grumbled.

"Morning," Natalia replied, her voice slightly shaky as she approached the kitchen table.

"Alright, who is excited for their first day of Junior year?" Y/N exclaimed in her usual childish charm.

Natalia's eyes widened at Y/N's enthusiasm as her nervousness was momentarily forgotten, "I am!" She remarked, attempting to match Y/N's tone.

"Oh, you sure?" Y/N noticed her daughter's uneasiness.

Natalia nodded, a nervous smile playing on her lips, "Yeah, just first-day jitters, I guess." She waved it off before taking a seat. "How did you get that?"

"Well, I'm somewhat of a detective myself, you know?" Y/N cocked an eyebrow before going back to making breakfast.

Rosa's cheeks curled into a smile, Y/N's comment amused her, "Mija, It's normal to feel nervous," She stated, moving her gaze to her daughter. "But remember, you're gonna do great." Her words were simple yet carried a weight of reassurance. "And if worst comes to worst just punch them," She deadpanned.

Y/N's face dropped, "Wow, wow, wow." She cautioned. "Don't do that." She alerted with her hands. "What you can do is--" She started with her advice.

"Slap them." Rosa cut the woman off, her gaze remained the same. Before Y/N could open her mouth with another response, Rosa continued, "Or, even better, kick them. Right in the knee." Her eyes narrowed.

"Wait— no!" Y/N attempted to interject.

"In the knee?" Natalia repeated, her forehead creased in confusion as she spoke over the top of her Mom.

"Yeah. That's my girl," Rosa affirmed, nodding approvingly as Natalia seemed to understand.

"I— Alright, I give up," Y/N conceded, throwing her hands up in defeat. "Here is your non-violent pancake." She placed breakfast in front of her daughter.

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