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It had been a week since Y/N's birthday dinner. As lunchtime arrived, Gino strolled confidently through the school halls. He couldn't help but notice the lingering stares and whispered conversations that seemed to follow him all day. Were they just jealous of him? Or were they still judging him for the unforgettable disaster that was his party and horrible apology? Probably the second one.

Gino rolled his eyes, "Should've whipped out the ukulele," He muttered as a smirk played on his lips. But deep down, he knew that even a musical performance couldn't erase the past. The weight of his mistakes tugged at him as he made his way through the halls. His reputation had taken a hit.

Just then, Gino spotted a flyer on the noticeboard--a call for auditions for a school film, "This is it," He said under his breath, knowing that this audition was a chance to turn things around, to show everyone that he was more than just a party mishap. With a newfound resolve, Gino tore off the flyer, his mind set on reclaiming his status as the coolest guy in school.


Gino continued his path into the cafeteria, where Nat's group all sat in their usual positions, Luna was at the end of the table organizing her lunchbox with precision while Darcy sat beside her, eating a watermelon salad. Across from them sat, Tyler and Mac, the love birds, who were lost in their own world, sharing a moment that made Nat's heart ache with envy.

"Wow, your brown eyes are incredible," Mac murmured, gazing at Tyler. "They're like deep pools of rich, warm chocolate. I could get lost in them forever. Did you know that brown eyes are actually blue underneath? It's like you have a secret superhero identity hidden in your gaze." He said out loud.

Nat's expression remained neutral, but inside, she was seething with jealousy at the intimate moment between Tyler and Mac.

"Wow, I got chills," Darcy spoke up, clearly impressed which broke Tyler and Mac out of their trance. "That was so poetic!"

Mac looked over clueless, "What?"

Luna cringed visibly at Mac's comment, "Actually, that's a total myth," She interjected. "Brown eyes are brown because of melanin, not because they're secretly blue."

"Wait, you guys heard me?" Mac asked, catching on that he had an audience.

"Yes." The four responded, Nat grumbling, Darcy exclaiming, Luna grimacing, and Tyler blushing.


"Isn't there a teeny, tiny voice in your head that's always shouting, whenever you're about to blurt out something you shouldn't?" Luna's brows furrowed together.


"That explains a lot," Luna muttered, which prompted Tyler and Nat to chuckle at the comment.

Just then, Darcy looked up from their phone, "Hey, would you guys respect me if I got a job at the local sewerage plant?" They interjected, changing the subject, much to Nat's relief.

"The local sewerage plant? Yeah, no way." Nat shook her head. "But the city sewerage plant..." She trailed off with consideration.

Luna looked at Darcy's phone, "You're looking for a job?"

"Yeah, you know how it is," Darcy nodded sagely. "Life's all about the expenses. Clothes, water... fun," They summarized.

"And dates," Tyler chimed in, giving Mac a subtle but deliberate nudge. "They require some financial commitment."

Mac missed the hint entirely. He nodded earnestly, his face lighting up with exaggerated understanding, "Right... and food too," He added, pointing to Darcy with an eager grin. Tyler narrowed her eyes slightly and a hint of irritation crossed her normally composed face.

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