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It was Christmas 2022, and a younger Y/N lay anxiously in a hospital bed as the nurse quietly opened the door. Wearing scrubs with dancing reindeer's and a kind smile, the nurse carried a tiny bundle wrapped in a soft, white blanket. She approached Y/N's bedside.

"Here we go," The nurse said softly, her voice calming Y/N's frazzled nerves, "She's awake." She placed the baby in Y/N's arms with practiced care, adjusting the blanket to reveal a tiny, sweet face.

Y/N's breath caught in her throat as she looked down, eyes filling with tears, "Hey, bug." She whispered. The baby's small fingers clenched and unclenched, and a soft, contented sigh escaped her lips. Y/N's world seemed to narrow down to just this moment and the tiny life she held.

"Right, do we have a name?" the nurse asked.

Y/N looked up from their daughter, "Natalia Julia Diaz."

The nurse stepped back, acknowledging the name, "Congratulations," She murmured before giving Y/N space to bond with her daughter.

As the nurse gathered her paperwork, Rosa strolled into the room with a wheelchair, "Hey," She said, her voice firm yet softened by a tender smile as she looked at the pair. "How's our girl doing?"

Y/N smiled warmly, "She's perfect."

Rosa nodded in agreement, her gaze steady and focused on their daughter, "Right, you ready to blow this joint?" She said casually.

"Yep," Y/N responded before hesitating briefly. "Actually, before we go, could you snap a picture of us? I want to capture this moment."

Rosa bobbed her head, reaching for her phone. But before she could step back, the nurse chimed in, "Oh, I got this," the nurse offered with a friendly smile. "Let's get both of you in the shot."

Handing her phone to the nurse, Rosa leaned in next to Y/N, who held Natalia a little closer. The nurse framed the shot perfectly and snapped the picture.


Back in the present day, Y/N sat at her desk in the police precinct, lost in thought as she stared at a photograph of that moment. It was a slow day at the Nine-Nine and everyone was cleaning out their desks as the sound of rain tapped against the windows.

Suddenly, Charles exclaimed, interrupting Y/N's reminiscent trance, "Whoa, check this out!" He rummaged through his desk and pulled out an old sandwich, its contents squished and unidentifiable. "Look what I found! It's my emergency sandwich! I must have forgotten about it years ago." He held up the snack.

"Oh, score!" Y/N threw a thumbs-up at the boy. "What kind?"

Charles examined the sandwich, "Hmm, let's see... squished bread, a hint of green... I'm gonna guess... anchovies, blue cheese, and... is that a cookie?" He questioned his sandwich choice.

"Oh, yum, garbage disposal special!" Y/N said, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

Charles grimaced, "I don't need it." He threw the snack in the trash before continuing to sift through his belongings. "You finding anything good in your desk?" He asked.

Y/N looked up from her clutter to Charles, "Actually, yeah," She grinned, holding up a photograph. "Check out this gem from when Nat was born."

Charles smiled, "Oh, how adorable! And the resin jewelry!" He pointed to Y/N's finger. "That never went out of style!"

Y/N spun the picture back around, shaking her head slightly, "That's because it was never in style," She cringed, studying the photograph. "Man, IVF was one of the best decisions Rosa and I ever made. Nat is so beautiful."

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