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Halloween came with all sorts of joy: the costumes, the decorations, and the junior Halloween school-supervised party and sleepover. The air was crisp with the scent of fallen leaves as the teens were dropped off at their school.

Nearby the school gate, Mac, Tyler, Luna, and Darcy stood around, waiting for Nat to arrive. They watched other teens walk in with their costumes. a few girls were dressed as witches, completed with pointy hats and broomsticks. A group of boys walked past as characters from a popular video game while another teen was dressed as a tree, with branches and leaves sticking out.

"Wow, people have really gone all out this year!" Mac said with a huge grin, adjusting his bee wings as he studied the oncoming students.

"Indeed. Although, I wish all the girls didn't feel pressured to dress in such sexualized manner," Tyler observed.

"Yeah, I saw a group of sexy fruit on the way here!" Darcy chimed in enthusiastically.

"Were they strawberries?" Luna mumbled, trying to enunciate clearly despite her vampire teeth.

Darcy's brows furrowed at the unusual question before Mac jumped in, "Yeah, were they?" He piped up.

Just then, Nat arrived at the group with a huge smile, her ladybug antennas bobbing as she walked, "Hey, check out my costume!" She beamed, before posing for the group.

The group marveled at Nat's ladybug outfit, the vibrant red fabric adorned with black spots and her antennae bobbing with each step. However, there were red splotches scattered across the costume giving the bug a dead effect.

Nat's eyes widened as she took in Tyler's flower costume, which was a skirt with vibrant fabric petals. As she glanced at Mac, who stood beside Tyler in his bee outfit, realization struck her.

"We're like bug buddies!" Mac exclaimed, breaking the momentary silence. Nat forced a smile and her heart sank as she realized she accidentally joined a couples costume. Mac and Nat were both bugs, and Tyler was the flower they were both drawn to.

"Hey, look at us!" Nat managed, trying to sound cheerful. She couldn't help but feel like an outsider, a bug buzzing around a flower that was already claimed.

Tyler beamed, unaware of the turmoil in Nat's mind, "Isn't this amusing." She found the accidental costume match up funny.

"Yeah, hilarious," Nat echoed, her smile feeling more forced by the second.

"Cool 'stume, Nat!" Darcy interjected, eyeing the girl.


"'Stume?" Mac questioned, looking to Darcy for an explanation.

"Yeah, short for costume," Darcy clarified. "My Dad made it up." They added.

A wave of understanding washed over Mac, "Right," He bobbed his head, a small smile playing on his lips. "And what are you dressed as, buddy?"

"Take a guess!"

"A camp counselor?"

"No, I'm--"

"A theatre actor in a drama piece?"


"A tennis player?"


"A magician?"

Darcy was taken aback, "No, I'm Fred," They disclosed, but the group remained confused. "From Scooby-Doo!" The group's confusion lingered.


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