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It was Saturday night of the anticipated evening of Gino's party extravaganza and Nat was in her closet, searching for the perfect outfit. She pulled out a few options and laid them out on the floor before scrutinizing each one. She hesitated before returning to her closet, determined to find something that felt right.

Now with multiple clothes scattered on the floor, Nat stood in front of her mirror, her stereo playing a smooth beat as she settled on a look. She wore a cropped graphic tee featuring a retro film poster, paired with high-waisted jeans that had funky patches sewn on. She threw on a leather jacket and her docs to complete the look.

Nat admired her reflection, she felt ready to hit the party before realizing the mess she had made, "Wow, mama. When did all these clothes get here?" Her face was puzzled, undeterred she grabbed her bag and headed out of her room.


Over in a nearby apartment, Darcy stood in front of their mirror examining their party outfit, they paired a Hawaiian shirt with khaki pants. The shirt was adorned with images of surfboards and tropical flowers.

Darcy smiled in awe at their outfit, adjusting the shirt slightly to ensure it hung just right, "Okay, Dad I'm ready for the photo." They called out.

Charles entered the room with a camera in hand ready to capture the moment. Darcy posed casually in front of their bed, where their non-binary flag was proudly displayed.


Now, at the Peralta's, Luna stood in front of her dresser as she picked out an arrangement of outfits. She organized them into color, before picking a look.

She first tried on a pair of high-waisted jeans with a vibrant shirt. She added a necklace and a pair of small heels, her brows furrowed in thought, "Hm, I don't know." She wanted a look that was more than just elegant; she wanted it to be bold and unforgettable.

Luna then tried on a sleek black dress. She admired herself in the mirror, her eyes lit up as she tried it on, and she felt confident. She then added a blazer to complete the look, "This is so appropriate!" Luna smiled in satisfaction, knowing she had found her outfit.


In the next room, Mac stood in front of his mirror, his room covered with many skateboards and band posters whilst his bed was covered in a colorful array of outfits.

Mac tried on a flashy shirt and spun around, he examined his reflection from all angles, "Too much? Or just enough?" He spoke out aloud before spotting a hat on his dresser. He tried it on, tilting it at different angles before deciding against it. "Hm. Not tonight, bud." He told the hat.

He continued to mix and match his outfits, trying to find the perfect combination, but nothing seemed to fit quite right. The flashy shirts were too loud, the casual ones too plain. He then tried on different jackets, pants, and accessories, before deciding to incorporate everything he tried on, he nodded to the mirror, happy with his mismatched outfit.


With all four outfits put together, the group was all at Mac and Luna's apartment. Nat, Darcy, and Luna trailed behind Mac as they followed him into his bedroom, "Oh! Dude, your room is so dope! It's like a treasure trove of awesome stuff," Nat's eyes widened as she took in the eclectic decorations and mementos scattered around Mac's room.

Mac grinned, proud of his space, "Thanks, I like to think of it as my own little slice of paradise."

"Is that an old banana?" Luna pointed out.

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