Kelly : 'Toy' lyrics (English/Français)

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Title of the song/Nom de la chanson : Toy

Artist name/Nom de l'artiste : Kelly (TRI.BE)

Song release date/Date de sortie de la chanson : May 31, 2023/31 mai 2023

Kind/Genre : Pop

Album name/Nom de l'album : Kelly's BEDROOM

Album release date/Date de sortie de l'album : unknown/inconnue

Producers/Producteurs : Kelly (TRI.BE), Pillowbeat

Lyricists/Paroliers : Kelly (TRI.BE)

Composers/Compositeurs : Kelly (TRI.BE), Pillowbeat

Arrangeurs/Arrangers : Pillowbeat

Labels/Labels : TR Entertainment, Universal Music Group, Republic Records

Distributor/Distributeur : not released on streaming plateform/pas sorti sur des palteformes de streaming

Lyrics and translations available below/Paroles et traductions disponible ci-dessous : English and French/anglais et français

Lyrics and translations available below/Paroles et traductions disponible ci-dessous : English and French/anglais et français

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[Originals lyrics/Paroles originales]

You treat me like a toy

I don't feel like I'm special

Is it that difficult?

You know I'm not a toy

There's no more sparks between us

You know it

Don't know why we still together

Losing me you might feel better

There's no regrets left between us

Just give me freedom

I wonder what's the reason

You treat me like a toy

I don't feel like I'm special

Is it that difficult?

You know I'm not a toy

Boy I'm not your toy

Boy I'm not your toy

Boy I'm not your toy

Boy I'm not your toy

Boy I'm not your toy

Boy I'm not your toy

I'm not here for you to claim

Don't you see?

I'm not a game

I've got feelings

Would you say anything?

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