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Klaue, as everyone else fought, cried, "Shoot them!"

"Which ones?" Klaue's mercenary asked.

"All of them!"

Klaue's mercenary said to his men, "Move, move, move!"

The rest of the team, including Natasha and Bruce, battled it out with Ultron's drones, Klaue's men, and the twins as Tony fought with Ultron.

Steve, after knocking down Pietro, ordered, "Stay down, kid!"

Ultron, through a drone, said to Wanda, "It's time for some mind games."

Bruce heard the commotion as he waited in the Quinjet and asked, "Guys, is this a Code Green?"

Wanda used her power on Thor, then Steve came up to him.

"Thor!" Steve called. "Status?"

"The girl tried to warp my mind," Thor told them. "Take special care, I doubt a human could keep her at bay. Fortunately, I am mighty." He saw himself at a party on Asgard.

Wanda used her power on Steve and Natasha.

Ultron, as he packed up the Vibranium, said, "This is going very well."

Wanda tried to sneak up behind Clint and Chris, but they quickly turned and put an electric arrow on her forehead.

"I've done the whole mind control thing," Clint told her. "Not a fan." Pietro sped in, knocking down Clint and Chris, picked up Wanda and sped off. "Yeah, you better run." Steve dropped his helmet and walked off. He said to the team, "Whoever's standing, we gotta move! Guys?"

Chris frowned. 'Do you think she got to the others?'

'She might've. I hope not, but if she did...'

'If she did, we're screwed.'



Natasha saw herself in the facility where young girls were being taught ballet.

The ballet instructor ordered her students, "Again."

"You'll break them," Natasha said.

"Only the unbreakable ones," Madame B replied. "You are made of marble. We'll celebrate after the graduation ceremony."

"What if I fail?" A younger Natasha was being trained to be an assassin.

"You never fail."


Steve saw himself in a 1940's dance hall.

Peggy came up to him and asked, "Are you ready for our dance?"


Thor was still in Asgard. He was watching his surroundings when Heimdall, eyes milky white, spotted him.

"Is it him?" Heimdall asked. "Is that the first son of Odin?"

"Heimdall, your eyes?!" Thor cried.

"Oh, they see everything. They see you leading us to Hel. Wake up!" He started strangling Thor.


Steve was still with Peggy in the dance hall.

"The war's over, Steve," Peggy said. "We can go home. Imagine it!" Suddenly, the dance hall was empty. Steve saw himself dancing with Peggy.


"I can still save you," Thor said.

"We are all dead," Heimdall told him. "Can you not see?" Thor pushed Heimdall from him. "You're a destroyer, Odinson. See where your power leads." Electricity hit Thor and spiked around the room, destroying things.


Natasha was still being trained by Madame B to become an assassin.

"Sloppy," Madame B said. "Pretending to fail. The ceremony is necessary for you to take place in the world."

"I have no place in the world," Natasha stated.



As Wanda suffered in pain from the electric arrow Clint and Chris had hit her with, Pietro asked, "What can I do?"

"Ah, it hurts," Wanda said.

"I'm gonna kill them. I'll be right back."

"No. I'm over it. I want... I want to finish the plan." She looked at the Quinjet where Bruce was waiting. "I want the big one."


Tony cornered Ultron in the shipyard and Ultron said, "Ah, the Vibranium's getting away."

"And you're not going anywhere," Tony retorted.

"Of course not, I'm already there. You'll catch on. But first, you might need to catch Dr. Banner."

Tony angrily shot Ultron and flew off to find Bruce who had turned into the Hulk and ready to wreak havoc on the nearest city.

"News or footage, keyword: Hulk," Tony said, seeing news footage of Hulk destroying the nearest city. "Natasha, I could really use a lullaby."

Clint and Chris sat with Natasha who was still stuck in her vision and the former replied, "Well, that's not gonna happen. Not for awhile. The whole team is down, you got no back up here."

"I'm calling in VERONICA." As Hulk was wreaking havoc on the nearest city, Tony came out bringing his Hulkbuster armor to stop him. "All right, everybody, stand down!" He spoke to Hulk. "You listening? That little witch is messing with your mind. You're stronger than her, you're Bruce Banner."

Hulk roared in anger.

Tony continued. "Right, right, right! Don't mention puny Banner." Hulk threw a car at Tony and attacked him. "Okay." They began fighting, throwing each other around. "In the back? Dick move, Banner." They battled it out more, but Tony was struggling to beat Hulk. "VERONICA, gimme a hand." As Hulk destroyed one of Tony's arms, VERONICA sent in a new one and Tony used it to repeatedly punch Hulk. "Go to sleep, go to sleep, go to sleep!" He picked up Hulk. "Okay, pal, we're gonna get you out of town." They headed towards a building. "No, not that way, not that way!" They crashed through the building. "Come on, Bruce! You gotta work with me!" Hulk continued battling him. He stopped an elevator and spoke to the people inside. "Everybody out! Going to get ugly!" He knocked Hulk down. "I'm sorry." Hulk attacked Tony and pulled out parts of the Hulkbuster armor. "Damage report." The damaged computer buzzed a reply. "That's comprehensive. Show me something." The computer showed him the building ahead was clear of civilians. "How quickly can we buy this building?" He dropped Hulk through the building completely destroying it; at the same time, the army arrived to intervene. As Hulk came out of Wanda's mind-hold, Tony knocked him out cold.

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