1- I can't step back!

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It's already 10.00 p.m when chan was able to come dorm. He rings the bell.
Was it been two minutes ?
No one still came to open the door.

Chan's pov:

I knocked the the door twice..Kids don't sleep that earlier usually.

"Minho..Lix..Open the door please " I shouted.

"Geez..that old man started to scream again!"
With hearing something like that, the door opened and seungmin was right in front of me!

I give him a big smile.
"i am late again, Aren't i?sorry i had somewhere to go "

"Yes yes we know you are so busy" he mumbles.
I ingnore that part came inside while asking "are others sleeping?"

"Nah ,we are watching a TV show"
I heared from the front.. I saw kids sit on the sofa . They don't even bother to look at me.

"Minnie, what is for dinner .Let's eat. I wanna talk with you guys a little anyway" i said..

"Ah , we already ate rice. We thought you ate too "
He said with a straight face..Not even bother asking something like if you didn't eat hyung let's order something.

"Ah ,Is that so. Then it's good. I'm not hungry anyway . I'll go and washup myself"

"Ah hyung!"

" yes hannie" I asked with love.

" Can you wash the dishes, we are tired as hell"
He asked with a cute face.

"Oh my cuties are tired! Yes yes i will.. Rest well kids"

I start to wash them.There were lot.They are still kids..What's with the cold attitude by the way..May be they are just angry cause i'm late everyday.
It took half an hour to clean the kitchen.

Yehh! All done!

Then I went to the bathroom and started bathing.

It's already been about a month since i started overtime working.It was actually my manager's idea. A really really good decision that solved my thousand of problems.

A month ago....( company meeting with chan and his manager)

Chan i'm really sorry to tell you this but your band has not been as successful as we expected.I know this whole time has been very difficult for you guys.
But your expenses are much higher than your income.
The money you earn on the spot is not enough for all the payments.
Company is also in hard spot you know right?
Living expenses of 8 members and the dorm is a big responsibility.
Our company can no longer afford it.
I'm sorry but it's look like we have to disband Stray kids.

Chan ;

Wh..what sir!
But our contract say others.You can't disband us like this.
I know we didn't succeed as much as we wanted, but we will soon.So please give us a chance.I'm begging you.


Chan i really love straykids.You guys are workings hard.Maybe I can get you guys into other new groups.


Does that mean we can no longer work together?Do you put us in different groups?
Please sir i'm begging you.Give us some time.We will work hard even more.

Chan's manager ;

Sir can we make new contract .Like two years from now on.May be chan can work for the company..you know better than me about his skills right?
He can pay their living cost like that.
And about dorm...

What do you think about renting out the dorm..
He will pay you the loan in 2 years.

agency ;
Chan do you think you can do this?.Ah may be not only you..Other kids can work too.Then it will be easy.


Yes sir! And I don't want to involve other kids in this.If they have a lot of work, they won't be able to focus on our works properly..So i can do this alone.

Agency ;
Well ,We make you leader for a reason.
Then let's make the contract.It surely won't be easy since it's only you.
Also ,
Sorry I can't agree with the two year loan.You have to pay it every six months.So you have to work hard and succeed.Will this be ok?

Chan ;
Yes sir..Thanku so much.And can we keep this a secret from the kids? I don't won't them to be worry.


Sure chan. If you want it to be, it will be.That's all I can do for now.
Back to present .(Chan in bathroom)

If I hadn't made that decision, we would have already disbanded. But I work all day.It is difficult for me to find time to spend with the kids.On top of that, I am very tired. But i have to keep work. I can't step back!.I can handle this.Fighting chan!!

No one's pov;

That's what Chan thinks.But what he doesn't know is what the kids are thinking.

What are those kids thinking????
Wanna know???
Read the next Chapter ..😌

Anyone who's gonna read this, i'm so greatful!!
Thank u so much..I'm so weak at english so please forgive me for every mistakes i made..
Don't forget to let me know if the story is good..😃

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