12 - has he lost conciousness?

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Felix's pov;

I felt someone's strong arms wrap around my body and pull me to the back of the stage before I collapsed on the stage. I was relieved that he caught me before I fell. Then I heard his worried voice.

It's chan!
How could he be the one who saw me fall, among so many people..
Haah..It's hard to breath..

As I was thinking I felt my body slowly rise up.

Is he trying to pick me up???

As soon as I was picked up, I heard the sound of whimpering coming out of his mouth. He must be as tired as I am. His body was drenched in sweat. I could feel his heart beating fast enough to explode.

So what...It's not like I ask him to help me..
I mean...i know i need help yet I don't need any help from him!
If he thinks that I will forgive him cause of this, it is just a meaningless dream..

I thought mischievously. Then i heard him again.

I won't drop you...
What a ridiculous promise..If it's that hard, just put me down.

The way he groaned, I wondered how he had the strength to even stand up despite carrying me. On the other hand, no matter how much he moan in pain, his arms never loosened around me.

Now he is asking for help.
Damn hyung just put me down! How can you carry me when you can't even walk?.
Just why are you trying so hard!!

I wanted to scold him like that but I was also weak. Soon I moved from his arms to someone else's.

He tells others to take good care of me...what about him!

As I pulled away from him, I forced my eyes towards him. In an instant, I saw his face which was full of pain, his right hand pressed against his lower stomach, and his legs that were shaking without being able to take a step forward. For the first time in a long time I felt extremely sad for him.

Just why!!
Why are you suffering so much?..

I could see that the entire staff was care about me. They quickly took me forward and put me on the sofa. Someone put an oxygen mask on me and I felt my arms and legs being massaged at the same time. I realized that no one had paid attention to Chan because of the sudden panic caused by me. They must think that I am the only patient.

Guys look at chan. ..He also needs treatment too..
I screamed inwardly.

"C...chan." It took me a while to take off the oxygen mask that i was wearing and say that word.

" How you feeling kid?"
"Chan is here..Do you want to talk to him?"
Someone asked me.

"Chan, lix is looking for you" he screamed.
"He is not here" said another.
"Where is he??"
All I heard was a hiss.
"OH MY GOD chan!" I observed that everyone was once again panicked by someone's sudden scream.

What is happening...Is he alright..
I desperately wanted to know.

"Pick him up.. now!!" I heard someone shouted .
"What the...How could he able to carry felix all the way here when he was injured like this?"

I saw him......
Closed eyes...That shirt, wet with sweat and stuck to his body...
Those strong arms and legs that had lifted me a moment ago were now waving lifelessly in the air. Chan was lying like a small child ,on the arms of our tough-looking bodyguard.


They placed him on the small sofa in front of me, his legs dangling over the edge of the sofa.
They quickly removed his shirt.

My dizziness was going away. I sat on the couch with the help of the person next to me.

"Has ...has he lost consciousness?" I asked..

"More than that kid.His abdomen is bruised."He said in worried voice.

"What- ..when..."

"Felix, how did he carry you down the stairs with this too!" Our head doctor asked me in surprise.

"Aa-ah" chan's pained moans made everyone look at him.
"He regained consciousness! Chan...chan..look here" The doctor tried to get his attention.

"Wh-- where's lix.---how i-s he?"
I heard him whisper.
How can you still think about me without worrying about yourself when you barely regained consciousness now.

"He is okey chan.Now i need you to take a deep breath with me ok.." The doctor told him.

"I'm fi-ne." He said while taking short breaths.
"Please take .care of the.kid first"

Why!...why is he....
I couldn't take it anymore. I got up with the help of a bystander and walked over to chan.


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