26 - The truth.

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Seungmin's pov ;

"Guys, we have to share something important with you."

Minho and Bin, who had been missing until now, suddenly burst into the studio, dragging the helpless hyunjin who was resting in the dorm.

"We got scolded by staff cause of you."
Minho didn't listen to innie's pleading.

"It's about chan hyung.."
The seriousness in Minho's tone silenced us all. We were the only ones in the studio.

"What about him..Is he alright?"
lix asked nervously.

"It's nothing like that.He is fine. Don't worry.." Minho sighed..
" Geez i don't even know where to start..
We have worked very hard to get to where we are today ,right?"

We nodded and agreed with him.

"We practiced for eight to nine hours almost every day. We improved our skills as much as possible. We rarely had a day off. "
We all felt a little pride inside when he told us about it.

"We worked as a team. But in the past few months, we felt that Chan hyung was a bit...you know what I mean..."

"He wasn't with us.." Han whispered.
"We had a hard time understanding him." Lix said.

"Not only in the past minho hyung..Even now..He is still the same...
Well, at least he should apologize to us, right?..No matter how bad he was, we took care of him. I think he own us."
I.N said so.

"No innie, actually we own him and the other thing is that we need to apologize, NOT HIM!."
Bin screamed in exasperation.

"Bin relax...They don't know anything yet.." Minho patted him on the back.

"What we don't know?" Jin questioned.

"The truth." Minho said.

" if we worked for eight hours a day, Chan worked for sixteen hours.
At least we got one day off a week. But he didn't have even one holiday in a month.
We ate all three meals very well but he might not have eaten a single meal properly some days.
we get sleep as much as we wanted everyday. But there were days when Chan didn't even sleep...
It is true that we worked hard guys... But Chan hyung always worked twice as hard as us. "

My heart was beating fast. I was already regretting a single sentence I had uttered. That was a enough reason for me to avoid chan for the past few days.

"What you trying to say minho hyung?"
Jeongin asked in surprise.

At that time, Minho's eyes were filled with tears.
"Do you know how we ate food, bought the things we like, and bought clothes and other stuff for all these months?..Where does the money come from?..It's neither the agency's money nor our money. They are chan's hard earned money.
Let's forget these things for a moment. Besides it's all thanks to him that we are still able to stay in the dorm.
Now you got what i'm trying to say innie..."

We were all stoned. But we remained silent until Minho told the whole story.

He came in the morning and practiced with us, after it was over, he worked till night in an office, came to the dorm and cleaned it,even washing our clothes, then work on making some song tracks without even sleeping, even without eating ...yeah, cause we don't leave food for him ,Also got up before everyone in the morning again, cooked for us too, He listened to our commands, our scoldings and our silly complaints. Simply, that has been his daily routine for the past few months..
It's all right if he does it all for himself, but it's not like that . Not for him, but for us....chan hyung worked a hundred times harder than us. So what did we do?..
Instead of helping him at least a little,All we did is torture him more. We put him in a position that where he could not even tell anything when he was sick or when things were difficult.
Can you imagine ...Funny right..."

Minho asked us as he tried to fake a smile through his tears.

"He is....working on office" Han asked in surprise.
"Here..take a look" bin gave us a file. We gathered around and read it.

"Is..Is this real..."
"What the heck.."
That's how we reacted when we read it.
"So he pays for the dorm!!?..The cost of living for all of us is also his responsibility.."
"Then..then..Oh no...
What- what have we done?"

Tears flowed spontaneously from my eyes.
"He did all these things for us. Didn't even care about his own self..Yet.. hic...I was so cruel towards him. I-I said i hate him..."

He..His heart must have been broken into pieces. How has he endured our evils?..We were all being selfish all this time.

Bin hugged me. We all have had enough to regret.

"Why didn't we have faith in him?..We should have trusted him..."

"I feel like shit.." jin whispered.
He must have suffered so much alone.We haven't worked as a team.

"Kids" Minho got our attention.
" Since now we know everything, just promise ,you will treat him right from now on..
He..deserve everything..We are the ones who don't deserve someone like him.."

We all wrapped our arms around each other.
"Where..is he now?" Innie asked while crying.

Bin smiled at us while saying ,
" In a business meeting. Still busy earning money for us..."

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