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💦🌊BOOK 1🌊💦

Third person POV -->

Jeong Jeong exited his hut and sees Aang sitting criss crossed on a stone with his head down. "I thought about what you said. I promise I'll be more patient," the young avatar said with a sincere tone. The old fire bender noticed his sincerity and said, "We're going to work with fire now." At this statement, the airbender jumped in the air, cheering in excitement and landed on the stone with a big grin. He turned to face his master and changed his excitement to being serious as he said, "I mean... Let us begin." Jeong Jeong just stared at the boy while he grabbed a leaf that was falling and burned only in the middle of it.

"Concentrate on the fire. I want you to keep this flame from reaching the edges of the leaf for as long as you can," the ex- Admiral said while handing the leaf to Aang. The latter just groaned at the task he was given as he widened his stance to do as told. One of the guards came running towards Jeong Jeong and says with urgency, "Master, there is trouble!" ; "What's going on," the little air nomad asked with worry. But they dismissed him and ran off as the old fire bender told him to concentrate on his leaf.

With an annoyed expression, Aang said to Katara, Yuri, and Akiko, "This is the worst fire bending instruction ever. All he does is leave me alone for hours to concentrate or breathe." ; "I'm sure there's a good reason," the female water bender said, trying to cheer up her friend. While the female fire bender, who was meditating on a rock a little bit far from them, shook her head and told her brother, "This is basic fire bending training, Aang. I was taught that fire bending comes from the breath, hence the breathing exercises. It's to prepare you for when you're ready to produce fire."

But the impatient airbender just says to them, "But I'm ready to do so much more." Aang looked down at his feet in thought and came to a realization. He widened his stance like he was always told and took deep breaths, focusing on the middle of the leaf. Soon enough, the leaf disintegrated and a flame appeared in the young monks hands. "I did it. I made fire," Aang said, excited with his achievement. The three teenagers however, kept their distance as Katara said with a bit of worry," Aang, that's great. But you should take it slow."

Without thinking, he made his flame bigger when he exhaled, scaring himself and the three teenagers as Katara told him to be careful. He almost fell into the river by his mistake but caught himself and smiled at his friends as he said, "Now, that's fire bending." Aang was having fun with his bending but the others looked scared and worried. Katara said to the boy with even more worry, "Aang, you'll hurt yourself." ; "Or hurt us! Quit messing around," Yuri said with an angry look and scared tone. But the airbender was too enthralled by his fire bending to actually hear his friends warnings.

He tossed his fire from one hand to the other like it was a ball as he said out loud, "I wonder how that juggler did it." Knowing what her brother was thinking, the dragon warrior got up and ran towards her friends, trying to stop him as she yelled, "Aang! Don't!" But she was too late, the avatar bended a ring of flame around him and spread it far. Akiko tried to absorb the flames but once she heard Katara and Yuri's screams, the damage had already been done. The young monk heard his friends screams as well and immediately stopped his bending. "Katara! Yuri! I'm so sorry," Aang said as he made his way to his friends. Katara was weeping in pain, while Yuri let out strained groans of pain.

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ATLA: The Dragon Warrior (Zuko x OC) BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now