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Third person POV -->

It was midday, the Gaang was flying over the ocean, still searching for the North Pole in silence. "I'm not one to complain, but can't Appa fly any higher," Sokka said annoyed and bored. The flying bison was hovering over the water, his feet touching it from time to time. Yuri decided to answer the water tribe boy with chattering teeth while clinging to Akiko for warmth with her blanket around him, "W-w-well, w-what do you e-e-expect? We've been flying f-f-f-for d-d-days. And all the w-w-weight he's carrying is p-p-probably tiring h-h-him o-out." (A/N : Yuri is still wearing earth kingdom clothes, so he's not entirely protected from the cold.) Getting annoyed at the eldest boy, Aang turned around from in front and said," I have an idea. Why don't we all get on your back, and you can fly us to the North Pole." ; " I'd love to. Climb on, everyone. Sokka is ready for takeoff," the water tribe boy said sarcastically while wiggling his butt.

Momo jumped on his butt thinking he was serious, then Misumi and Raidon jumped on him. The two dragon children's weight made Sokka groan in pain and fall flat on his stomach as Misumi yelled out," Yip yip, Sokka! Yip yip!" Raidon laughed at this along with Yuri. Akiko was just silently watching them in amusement while petting Takeo. "Look, we're all just a little tired and cranky because we've been flying for two days straight," Katara said in a calm manner. But Sokka had to be annoying again, as he sat up with Misumi in his lap and Momo in hers while Raidon sat next to them, he said while looking grumpy, "And for what? We can't even find the northern water tribe. There's nothing up here."

Just then, Akiko sensed many presences coming closer and said to the others worried, "Oh, I wouldn't say there's nothing out here." After the teenage dragon said that, an iceberg formed out of nowhere in front of Appa. This surprised the avatar as he steered away from the imminent danger while everyone in the saddle held on for dear life. Another iceberg appeared, this time catching one of Appa's feet. But he managed to break free of its hold then proceeded to spin out of control and land in the water. Which resulted in the bison having his lower half frozen. When Appa was down, a few water tribe boats came out of hiding towards them. "They're water benders. We found the water tribe," Katara said with excitement. Yuri looked around at the water benders and said while shivering,"Uh, I t-think t-t-they found u-u-us, i-instead."

Time skip-->

After explaining who they were, the water tribesmen lead them to the northern water tribe. But when they heard Akiko could fire bend, they immediately put ice around her hands and threatened her not to try anything. To this action, the Gaang got mad and told them to free her but Aki shook her head at them. "If this gives them a sense of security when we enter, then I don't mind a little frost on my fingers," the dragon warrior said in a calm manner. Aang wanted to protest but he went along with his sister's wishes as he said to the water benders in a serious tone, "Fine. But she doesn't leave my side, do you hear me?" The water tribesmen nodded at the avatar as they finally approached their destination.

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ATLA: The Dragon Warrior (Zuko x OC) BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now