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- Daisy's Pov -

It's been years since i have been here in mysic Falls, but here i am driving through town towards the place i once called home. I had to leave the boarding house all those years ago because my brother, Stefan Salvatore, wanted to return. There was no way in hell was i going to stay in the same damn building as that self obsessed sorry excuse of a vampire. I can handle my twin Damon Salvatore like a piece of cake, but Stefan is a different story since the last time we saw each other. I put a wooden stake through both his knee caps because he called me a broken whore which is why Damon promised Stefan an eternity of misery. Mine and Damons close bond may not exist anymore, but the only thing that still exists is his protectiveness of me, and Stefan found that out the hard way.

Katherine saw Demons protective side a few times before that bitch used the three of us and turned us. That alone is why Stefan hates me because Katherine didn't just go for him and Demon she went after me too and used me just as bad as she used them. She used to say i was her special girl, and i was her favourite toy, which resulted in me hating the way i look. Stefan hasn't made any of that easier for me because he always throws insults after insults at me. The insults don't hurt anymore, though, because i already know he is only doing it to get a reaction from me, and most of the time, he does get a reaction, just not the reaction he wanted. Stefan has never really thought about anyone but himself or his obsession over Katherine and he doesn't care who he hurts in the process.

I know moving back to Mysic Falls while both my brothers are already here is going to be crazy but something within me is pulling me home. This explains why i'm now driving down the driveway of the Salavtore boarding house. I just hope this doesn't turn into violence because i definitely do not want to get my suit all ripped up. In no time i'm parking my car next to Damons car, and i know it's his because it's a classic like mine. I grab my handbag and climb out my car, Rex, Alpha, and Dino jump out behind me, and i make sure to straighten my suit out. Then i walked to the front door, leaving my suitcases for Damon to get later because i know for a fact he wouldn't want me to carring them. I didn't even get a chance to raise my hand to knock on the door before the door was throne open, and i crushed against someone's chest.

"Daisy, I've missed you squirt." Damon said, and i groaned

"I've missed you too man whore Salvatore." I said smirking

"Hey, I'm not a man whore." He said slapping my back

"Then don't call me that damn nickname." I said, ripping myself out his embrace

"What the hell are you doing here." Stefan said, standing behind Damon

"Sorry, hero hair, am i not allowed to come home once in a while, or do i need permission for that?" I said coldly

"Of course you're allowed, and you definitely don't need permission. Ignore that bambi muncher." Damon said, glaring at Stefan

"If i'm a bambi muncher then that bitch is a pussy muncher." Stefan said crossing his arms

"Pussy muncher and damn proud of it arsehole. You have to come up with better insults than that little brother." I said, smirking

"Don't you even dare Stefan. Daisy, go find your room. I will bring you your bags." Damon said, glaring at Stefan

"Still bossy as always, Damon." I said amused

"I'm older than you, so i'm allowed to be bossy. Now go to your room and rest. That drive must have been exhausting. I will bring your suitcases and a blood bag up to you." He said, shooing me away

"Fine, but keep hero hair away from me." I said in defeat

"I can do that." He said, kissing my forehead

I give him a nod, then walk to my room and sit on my bed staring at my bedroom, which hasn't changed over the years. I shake my head, seeing Demon vamp speed into the room holding all my suitcases and have a blood bag under his chin. He lays my suitcases down on the floor and then throws the blood bag at me with a smirk on his face. I catch the blood bag and tear it open with my teeth, drinking it as fast as i can growling in hunger, making Damon laugh.

"You have to stop waiting so long to feed, sister." He said, shaking his head

"Stop with the sister damon. We both know i haven't been your sister in years." I snap, glaring at him

"You have always been my sister. Katherine might have turned us against each other, but she didn't stop me loving you, Daisy. You're my twin for fuck sake nothing will stop me loving you." He snapped back throwing the old family picture i had on my bed side cabinet against the wall

"Love? Love, really? Where was your love when Katherine repeatedly raped me? Manipulated me? When i was turning on my own, laying dead in the middle of the woods? Having to live through the years on my own without one phone call? Have you checked in to see how i am? WHERE WAS YOU WHEN OTHER VAMPIRES ATTACKED ME FOR HAVING A DICK! A FUCKING VAMPIRE WEARING A FUCKING SUIT HELPED ME NOT YOU! ALL YOU HAVE EVER CARE ABOUT IS FINDING KATHERINE!" I said, then scream at him with tears in my eyes

"I-I" He couldn't even say anything

"Get out." I said coldly

"Daisy please." He pleads

"I SAID GET OUT!" I yell again



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