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Freya's Pov

Daisy spent the whole night at my families home to make sure i rested, and she did everything she could to take my mind off the pain since she said i couldn't take any pain medication. Klaus tried to be an older protective brother telling me to leave the bedroom door open, but that got shut down quickly by Daisy, and surprisingly, Elijah. I did ask Daisy how she is friends with Elijah, but she told me she would tell me another day, and i didn't miss the look of worry flash across Elijah's face. Having Daisy beside all night distracting me from the pain and sleeping beside me felt amazing, and i truly felt whole for the first time in my life. There's only one thing i would have changed about last night, and that's me being in pain because i wanted Daisy's and i first night to involve a lot of cuddling as we watched movies. With how sore my ribs are, even the slightest movement has caused me a terrible amount of pain, so cuddles were definitely out of the question last night.

I woke up just a few minutes ago, and Daisy is nowhere in sight, leaving me feeling lost and upset because her face wasn't the first thing i saw when i opened my eyes. She has fast became the last person i want to see before i go to sleep and the first person i want to see when i wake up. It's funny how all it took was Elena hitting me with a baseball bat for me to finally admit my inner storm of emotions. Now i know the emotions i'm feeling i have to tell Daisy as soon as possible and yes it may be to soon to tell her this but she is my mate after all so none of this is too soon. I slowly push myself up and rest back against the headboard of my bed, grimacing when i feel a jolt of pain travel through my side. I take a few deep breaths just as i see my bedroom door open, and Daisy walks in with a tray of breakfast in her hands, making me blush. She walks over to the bed and places the tray next to me, and then she sits down the other side of me with a worried look on her face.

"I'm sorry i wasn't here when you woke up, love. I was cooking you breakfast, then Elijah reminded me i need a blood bag and when i finished my blood bag Kol decided that was his opportunity to convince me to use a baseball bat if i'm ever in a fighting situation." She rushed out with panic swirling around in her eyes

"There isn't any reason for you to be sorry. Kol can be an overbearing ass at times, but he only has good intentions. He is probably trying to show you he can be a good brother to you because in his mind, he probably thinks you need a brother. Elijah just likes to make sure everyone in this family or close friends of the family look after themselves, so basically, he is like the mother hen of the family." I said, trying to ease her out of her panic state

"Elijah definitely has mother hen tendencies. It's the way he can snap out of being the nobleman to mother hen in a spit second. Like if anything happens to you, you need help, or if you're over working yourself. Kol is definitely an overbearing ass but he has his heart in the right place, and i will sit back and let him ramble about baseball bats all he wants because i know from what Elijah told me all of you didn't have the best childhood. " She said with a small smile

"We didn't have the best childhood, but that's in the past now, and all we can do is move forward as a family. Also, not many people see the mother hen side to Elijah because he puts a mask up to hide that side of him when we are out in public. It's like he steps into a protective mode and won't let anyone see that his weakness is us his siblings." I said, remembering all the time Elijah has protected me

"He protects anyone he gives his word too." She said, rolling her eyes, making me giggle

"I give you my word." I said, trying to impersonate Elijah

"Now you sound like your brother, and that is something i don't think i can ever unhear. Especially since he is like a brother to me as well. Please darlin say something else in your normal beautiful voice." She practically begged

"Just because yoy asked so nicely. What did you make me for breakfast?" I said, trying my very best not to blush

"You have two slices of toast, oatmeal with strawberries, glass of water, and a milkshake." She said nervously

"What flavour milkshake?" I asked happily

"Strawberry." She said, sounding even more nervous

"Strawberry milkshake is my favourite. Actually, strawberries are my favourite fruit. Thank you for all of this. You didn't have to, but you did, so thank you." I said, smiling

"I did have too because doing this is just a glimpse of who i am. If you want to give this whole mate thing a try, then you will see more of this. I'm not going to hide who i am in fear of rejection. I want to show you all of me so you can love me for me, for all of me." She said, gently placing the tray on my lap with a shy smile

"I do want to give us a try because with you beside me, i have never felt so alive or whole. People are going to thing we are moving fast but they can bloody fuck off because we are mates and mates move a lot faster then normal relationships." I said softly then kiss her cheek

"Then we will give this a try. Fuck everyone else who thing we are moving to fast because we will decide what is too fast for us not them." She said smiling 

" She said smiling 

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