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Daisy's Pov

As soon as i wake up, i notice i'm in complete different clothes, and then i notice the blood on the floor. I just knew Elijah had something to do with the blood on the floor, but i want to know who the hell changed me out of my clothes. There has only been one person that i was comfortable with enough to change my clothes while i was sleeping, and that was Damon. The last time he did that was when we were human, and when my so-called father used to beat me so i couldn't actually get dressed myself.

With that thought, i jumped off the couch and used my vamp speed to run around the house looking for Damon. I am going to make him wish he never snapped my neck and got me changed because he knows better than anyone i hate being touched. I can only just handle Elijah's touch, and that's only because i slightly trust the old original, which is a miracle in itself after all the trauma i have been through.

I stopped running, seeing Damon standing at the entrance of the basement, and i slowly walked towards him, letting my vamp face show. Before i could even get an inch in front of him, Elijah was in front of me, putting his hands on my shoulders, holding me away from him at arms length. I snarl at him only for him to flick my nose with a small smile on his face, and that alone makes me freeze because the wearing suit noble vampire just flicked me.

Screams coming from the basement snap me out of my shock, and i push Elijah out of my way, sending him flying into Damon, making them both tumble down the basement stairs. I walk down the stairs following their tumbling bodies that are tangling together with each tumble. My instincts to protect my mate are too high right now for me to even care who i hurt, especially since i have just heard screams coming from where she was before my neck was snapped.

Once their bodies land at the bottom, i step over them, making sure to stand on one of Damons body parts to show him how badly he messed up. I looked around only to see solid metal doors on each side of the corridor, and each door had a rectangular window to watch whoever was inside the cells. I walk down the corridor following the screams to two open cells. One cell has an unconscious Stefan in it, and the other has a screaming Katherine in it who is being tortured by my mate.

"You will never have my mate. They are mine and will always be mine forever. You hurt them in ways someone should never, and i mean never be hurt. Now you are going to have to deal with this pain until i am satisfied, then i will kill you. I do not care what plans my brother has with you because i will take revenge for what you did to Daisy Salvatore." My mate said, stabbing a stake that smells of vervain into Katherine's right thigh

"You don't g-get it, do you? She will always be m-mine. I am her creator and her first love. I-I was the o-one who took her innocent. I'm the one who made the abuse stop. She will always want me." Katherine said, making me look at her with anger in my eyes

"Actually, Katherine, the only thing i want is you dead because yes, what you said is almost correct. You are my creator, you was the one to take my innocence, but you were not my first love since you manipulated me into thinking i loved you when i actually never did love your crazy ass. The only Salvatore's that have any ounce of love for you is Damon and Stefan which still to this day confusions the fuck out of me because they know you manipulated them yet they still want your good for nothing ass." I said, stepping into the cell, catching Freya and Katherine's attention

"Baby, they have compelled you. You have to believe me. We are married, and you love me, not her or them. Let me out of here so we can leave." Katherine said, blinking her eyes rapidly, which makes her look stupid as fuck

"No one is compelling anyone. You used to compel me to be your pet, but i won't let you compel me or manipulate me anymore. You ruined my fucking human life and left me with nothing but trauma in this life. I want you dead so i can heal and start my new life with my mate and my brother." I said mentally Elijah at the end of my brother

"Your brother's don't want you." She said the laughs like the crazy vamp she is

"You thought i was on about Damon or Stefan? Well then, you are wrong. Damon and Stefan haven't been my brothers isn't years. You see, i meant Elijah. He is my brother." I said, smirking as her face pales

"H-He... y-you... b-brother?..." She stutters

"Oh stop your stuttering you crazy bitch. It's just as annoying as your voice. Not so strong and manipulative now, are you? Well, that won't be an issue since you will be dead soon enough." I said, moving to stand beside Freya

"No, i won't. Stefan will save me." She yelled, making me laugh

"Hero hair is unconscious in the cell next to you. He won't be helping you any time soon. Now, let's move this along. I don't have all day because i want to get to know my mate without having you ruining our time with your constant screams." I said, grinning evily

"Together?" Freya asked, ripping the stakr out Katherine's leg, then handing it to me the stake

"Of course." I said, smiling as i take the stake

" I said, smiling as i take the stake

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