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Daisy's Pov

It's been a week since Freya and I killed Katherine, and in that week, Freya and I have been on multiple dates. We both know so much about each other, and i feel like i have known her my whole entire life with how wrll we know each other. I have also made Elijahs house my own now, and my beautiful dogs have also made themselves at home, which is very cute to witness. I have made sure to stay as far away from Stefan and Damon because i do not want to deal with whatever drama they try to throw my way. I certainly don't want to deal with that doppelganger bitch either because if she is every stood in front of me i would kill her without hesitation. She has so many of Katherine's characteristics it's unbearable seeing her walk around like she is fucking royalty when she is anything but royalty.

Right now, i'm walking my three babies to the Mikaelson home so Freya can meet them, because i have tried to put this day off for as long as i can but it's time to face the music and let her meet my babies. I didn't put this day off because i was scared they would hurt her. That's far from the truth i put today off because i'm trusting Freya not to hurt my babies. When i'm halfway there, i sense something is wrong. I think Rex, Alpha, and Dino can sense it too because they quicken their pace, practically pulling me unknowingly towards our destination. As soon as i get to the front door, i kick it open and drop the dog leashes so they don't get hurt if someone attacks me. When i see what is happening in the living room, my face changes to my vampire face as i snarl.

There in front of me is Damon and Stefan have Elijah and Klaus pinned against the wall by their throats. I'm not angry about them pinning my new family against the wall because Elijah and Klaus can easily beat Stefan and Damon. I'm angry at the fact that Elena, who is holding a baseball bat, is standing over the top of Freya, who is lying on the floor holding her ribs. I whistle lowly while pointing, and Freya and that low whistle is the command Rex, Alpha, and Dinos know all too well because it's the protect command. I smirk when Elena screams and drops the baseball bat as Dino charges at her with baring his teeth. Alpha and Rex stand over the top of Freya, protecting her from any incoming threat.

"You have ten fucking seconds to get the fuck out my family's home or i will kill all three of you." I said coldly

"You need to get out of here. This family is dangerous. Why don't you come home with me?" Elena said, twirling her hair around her finger

"That would be a very easy no. I will not leave my new family and mate to go anywhere with you, hero hair or that man whore. Would you look at that your ten seconds is over. The question is, who do i kill first? Decisions, decisions." I said, tapping my chin

"D-Daisy?" Freya stutters

"Fuck this. Klaus, Elijah, kill them, and i will handle Elena. Freya needs me and i will not waste time fucking with these assholes." I said glaring at my so called brother

"Done." Klaus said as he and Klaus ripped Damon and Stefans hearts out

"NOOOOO!" Elena screams making my ears ring in pain

"Will you shut up! Daisy, baby, can you maybe tell your babies to move so i can get up off this hard floor? Still human, remember." Freya said softly

"Rex, Alpha heel." I said as i quickly went to Freya and helped her to her feet

"What are we going to do with her?" Klaus said, staring at Elena

"Use her as a living blood bag, turn her, torture her, compel her to forget. I don't care what you do as long as she stays the hell away from Freya." I said, walking Freya to the couch

"All of those sound appropriate. We could do all of those in a different order, which will have the same outcome." Klaus said thoughtfully

"Which is?" Elijah said, looking confused

"Oh, Elijah. You clueless, man. They are Elena's worst fears. So we are going to use them against her. Once she has turned, she will hate herself for what we have done to her, and then we will kill her." I said, smirking

"And you're saying all of this in front of me?" Elena said shakily

"Yet you're still standing here without even trying to escape." Freya snapped at her

"I-I." She said frozen

"Can someone just please get her the fuck out of here. I can't focus on Freya with her asking a shit tone of questions, and smelling her sweet blood is making it hard not to kill her here and now." I said, kneeling on the floor in front of Freya

"I will take her to the cell." Elijah said, and vamp speeds away with Elena

"Do you need anything, Daisy?" Klaus asked, looking at Freya

"Do be careful, brother. You're showing emotions." Freya said jokingly

"I need an ice pack and a towel to hold against the affected ribs to bring down swelling, then i need Freya to rest and take 10 slow, deep breaths every hour to help clear your lungs" I said, looking over at Klaus

"Baby, it hurts." Freya whimpers as Klaus disappeared

"Sweetheart. You have to avoid taking ibuprofen for 48 hours because it may slow down healing, and i can't bandage your ribs because it will prevent your chest from stopping your lungs and expanding properly." I said worriedly

"So, just loads of rest from now on?" She said teary-eyed

"Yes, sweetheart. All you can do right now is rest and try to sleep more upright for the first few nights." I said, then kissed her forehead

" I said, then kissed her forehead

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