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Xavier tried to escape Matteo's grip once again, but it was no use. Matteo was too angry to think rationally in this moment. 

"You can't use oxy. Where is it?" Matteo dragged Xavier with him as he started up the stairs. 

"Matteo, let me go." Xavier was practically screaming as he tried to move in the opposite direction. 

Nina just stood frozen at the bottom of the stairs, her mouth slightly agape as she finally put the pieces together. She hadn't realized that rich people could have so many problems. Nina realized she was probably being slightly insensitive, but she had never viewed being rich in a negative light. She thought it came with no problems because they had the money to fix them. 

Nina watched Xavier try to wrestle his way out of Matteo's clutch and started to panic. She couldn't handle this... not after what happened with her brother. Matteo had pushed Nina's boundaries too much and she felt anxiety beginning to consume her. 

She took a step back, her hands by her side as she began towards the door. 

"Where are they, Xavier!" Matteo wasn't focused on Nina right now. He needed to get rid of Xavier's pills for his own good. The last thing he wanted was for Xavier to overdose because he didn't do anything. Matteo knew that was exactly what would happen with a recovering drug addict. 

Matteo pushed through Xavier's bedroom door, rushing towards the bathroom with one motive in mind. That was to get rid of the pills. He felt Xavier grab onto his shoulders as he rummaged through his bathroom cabinet, his grip strong as he tried to pull Matteo away. 

"Matteo! Get out, I swear to god." Xavier was screaming into Matteo's ear, hauling him backwards repeatedly while on the verge of tears. 

Matteo grabbed the prescribed bottles into his hands, uncapping them and throwing the content into the toilet bowl. He fought off the angry Xavier who clung onto his back, trying to reach for the flusher. 

"It's for your own good." Matteo's finger tips barely touched the flusher handle, Xavier pulling him back with all of his force. 

"No. No-" Xavier took his arm and swung it around Matteo's neck, placing him in a headlock. 

While all of this madness is occurring, the two of them hadn't even realized that Nina had left the house. She sat balled up in Matteo's car, trying not to have a panic attack as she remembered the tragic events that took place when she had lost her brother. Her mind was consumed by the screams of her parents and the flashbacks that hit her like a truck. She could hear Matteo and Xavier screaming, and no matter how hard she covered her ears, Nina couldn't get rid of all the voices.

Matteo fell to the ground, prying at Xavier's fingers to get out of his headlock. Xavier held on tight, all while trying to place the open bottles on the counter back into the cabinet. Matteo felt his breath shorten and began to hit at Xavier's arms. 

"Matteo... Matteo, relax." Xavier panicked as he saw Matteo turn blue and let him go. He didn't want to get in more trouble than he already was. They weren't fighters in the first place. 

Matteo held one hand on his neck, the other lunging forwards and finally flushing the toilet. Xavier slumped back on the wall behind him, looking down at his hands and back up at Matteo who was heaving.

"Fuck, Xavier." Matteo coughed aggressively before laying flat on the floor. "You need help." 

Instead of fighting back again, Xavier just placed his face into his palms and began to sob. Matteo made his way over to him, holding his body steady before giving him a big embrace. 

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