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Nina dug her nails into her palms as she stood frozen in line with the rest of the people at Xavier's wake. She was shocked by the amount of people that were waiting to look at Xavier's body in the casket. Nina thought back to how Matteo had told her that he protested against a public wake with an open casket, but Matteo's mother said that wasn't in the best interest of the family. Fuck the family, Nina thought.

Matteo was having the very same thoughts. His hands were clasped in front of him as he stood next to his aunt, uncle, mother, father, and sister. He observed how people would take one short look at Xavier's still body and then shuffle over to have a long conversation and offer their condolences to Daniel and Diana. Those were Xavier's parents. Then, they would shuffle some more and offer their condolences to Matteo, his sister, mother, and father. Matteo thought it was all fake. All just to keep their publicity up and connections strong.

Matteo's head snapped at the sound of laughter escaping Daniel's mouth. Matteo clenched his jaw to try to calm himself down from the amount of rage he could feel surging to the surface. His prick uncle didn't have any right to be laughing. Matteo believed he was the one that let Xavier get this bad in the first place.

"Your eye is twitching, Teo. Calm down." Sydney grabbed his arm and squeezed him gently.

His sister's soft voice brought him back to reality. Matteo looked over at Sydney who offered him a smile even though her eyes openly displayed her pain. He didn't understand how she could do that. Matteo didn't understand how his whole family could flip off their pain like a light switch.

"I am calm." Matteo spoke in a raspy tone. He soon realized this was the first time he had opened his mouth all day.

Everyone that offered their kind words of condolence to him were only met with a curt nod and a pat on the back. He cleared his throat and brought his hand up to rub Sydney on her shoulders. Matteo felt bad. Sydney was never taken seriously. Her only job was to marry rich and produce offspring, which she successfully achieved. Matteo peered down at Sydney's hand that rested gently on her stomach. Xavier will never be able to see Syd's baby.

The thought hit Matteo like a truck and then he was back to sulking in place. Matteo's eyes scanned the long line of people still waiting to see Xavier's body. Unbelievable.

Nina's eyes were fixated on Matteo in the distance as he let out a heavy sigh and continued to rub his sister's shoulder. She didn't realize him and his sister were that close. Or maybe they aren't, and they are just faking for the sake of their family's reputation. Nina hated the life Matteo lived. She wouldn't do great as a famous person.

When it was finally her turn to peer over the casket and look at Xavier's body, Nina hesitated. Did she really want to see him like this? So exposed? She felt as if he was being exploited. She felt as if this isn't really what he would have wanted. Nina pushed her legs forward and forced herself to look down. Her breathing automatically stopped. He looks so pale. This was not the same person she knew. All the life is drained from his cheeks and his outfit is too neat and pristine. Xavier would hate how put together he looks right now.

Nina stared blankly at Xavier in front of her, still and unmoving, until the person behind her aggressively cleared their throat. Nina bowed her head down and continued forward. She kept her hands clasped behind her back as she offered her condolences to Xavier's family. They obviously didn't know who she was and they didn't attempt to conceal it. Daniel and Diana dismissed Nina with a small smile, their eyes quickly traveling to the person behind her when she was done talking. Alyssa at least gave Nina a thank you when she spoke. Mike, Matteo's dad, followed in his wife's footsteps and also politely said thank you.

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