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Matteo boarded his private jet eagerly. The anticipation of seeing Nina in only a few hours had him smiling ear to ear. He, authentically, could not remember the last time he had behaved like this. Everything reminded him of her: his breakfast in the morning that usually was with her, PDA couples aimlessly walking on the street, any love song. It was driving him mad. 

His phone ringing snapped him back to reality. Matteo scrambled to pull it out, disappointed to see it was only his mother calling. 

"Hi, Ma. I'm about to take off. What's up?" Matteo's voice was mild and disinterested. 

Alyssa sighed on the other side of the phone. "Teo... I didn't want to have this conversation, but it has come to my realization that you are still just as infatuated with your assistant as you were a couple of weeks ago." 

Shit. Matteo sat up in his seat, his heart beginning to race. "I'm not infatuated by her..." 

"Don't play games with me, honey. I'm not stupid. I see how you look at her... and I saw that hug you two carelessly shared in front of me." She cleared her throat before continuing. "It needs to end." 

Matteo's heart dropped to his goddamn feet. Even though he is an adult, everyone knows it's impossible to change Alyssa's mind when set. "Mom-" 

"Nuh-uh. I didn't call to discuss. If you start dating that complicated... troubled girl, it will ruin the family image. I did a background check — as always — and did you know that her brother was a drug addict? Something like that will ravage your career, Matteo!" Alyssa was shouting at Matteo by the time her last sentence was spit out of her mouth. 

Matteo could feel his anger bubbling to the surface. Not only was his mother telling him to leave the only woman who made him happy, but she had also completely violated her privacy. Nina had told him the story of her brother in confidence, and he knew his mother would spread it in a second if she had to. 

He wouldn't say it out loud, but part of him no longer cared about his career or his image. Part of him felt like Nina was more important. "I'm in my 30's, mom. You no longer get to tell me what to do. If I want to date a 'fuckup', then let me." Matteo's voice was shaking, filled with fury and discomfort. 

"Teo." She stretched out his name and spoke with disappointment. "Don't tell me you actually like the girl." Alyssa's voice was questioning, like it was an impossible scenario. "Forget about her past... she's your intern!" 

He knew that. Matteo's hand slid down his face in displeasure; his leg bouncing with anxiety. "I know." 

The both of them were silent for a beat before Alyssa let out a sigh of exasperation. "Pull yourself together, Matteo. If you don't end things, I'll end them for you. Don't let it get to that point." Her voice was menacing and deafening in his head. She hung up. 

Matteo let out an aggravated groan, knocking his coffee out of the cup holder next to him. His mother's words were ringing in his ears, consuming his thoughts, and killing him inside. He rarely ever defied his mother the way he was now. He felt like a coward. The decision to continue defying his mother or accept that him and Nina will never be was going to be the hardest decision he would ever make. 

But he knew that was bullshit. His mind was already made... and he knew exactly what he would do to make a statement against his mother. Maybe slightly irresponsible, but that's what love does.  

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