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(A.N. : conversion written in bold letters are in English)

They were now sitting on a bench in the Central Park

In front of a pond with some bread in their hands to feed the birds

"Hyung look at that one, it has a heart shaped mark on it" Jake pointed towards one of the many birds that come to feed on the bread crumbs

"Make it bit this" he corrected the older whose definition of bread crumbs was literally half of the bread slice, the older immediately followed

Out of all the people there they had the most birds around them

"Umm excuse me, can you tell me where are they selling the bread, I want to feed them too" a girl with soft appearance approached them, she seemed like a foreigner too

"Oh we bought this on our way here,I don't think they sell it here in the park" the moment Jake spoke her eyebrows went furrowed but it smoothed out quickly and an eye smile was seen above her mask

"here, you can take some of ours if you want" Jake handed out some bread slices from their bag "no no its alright, thank you so much for asking" it seemed like that this mindless gesture of the man made her way too happy

She thanked the two man again and bid them goodbye but while she was leaving she kept glancing back......anyways the two man didn't mind since they were back in their own world

"Its too bad I can't speak English" "but you are already better than most of our staffs and members" Hee pouted cutely to which Jake smiled showing his pretty teeth and perfectly curved lips

Jake's smile is one of the most beautiful one which have the ability to melt metal then how can it not melt Heeseung

Everything is great, just as Heeseung planned, this whole scenario of them sitting on bench together in a park, in front of pond is so romantic that its hard for Hee to stop his heart from fluttering

"Hyung are you okay you look so red" Jake puts his hand on Hee's forehead for a quick temperature check, instinctually the older backs up but then he stopped and looks straight in Jake's eyes "I am so red because you keep making me blush"

Jake quickly retracts his hand but the older grabs it and place it on both side of his own cheeks "hyung what are doing, there are people around us" Jake says in a low voice

"Can you really still see people around us" that's right Jake was now so captivated by Heeseung's gaze that the rest of the world doesn't matter to him anymore

Why is this happening, this feeling, he never felt it before, its not like he never looked in Hee's eyes before but he's sure that he never ever once felt this way before

'What changed' he asked to himself

Is this happening because the older confessed and because he is now aware of the feelings the older holds

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