This is all taking place in summer 2023 a bit after the tour ended I'm most likely going to be putting months and days. Be patient with me pls. Enjoy maybe?

               July 4th 2023
Violet's POV
It's so goddamn hot out here I should've worn shorts or a dress I thought to myself arriving at my parents home.

"Vi honey you're here early that's actually perfect" my mom comes over to hug me tightly even though she saw me two days ago.

"Hi mommy. Yeah my last client of the day canceled she had to take her husband to the ER he got sicky poor thing." I tell her while putting my shoes away and hanging my purse behind the door.

"Oh dear I hope her husband is fine" she puts a hand on her chest. "And Noah is he coming over after work for dinner?" She sweetly asks

"I'm not sure he's been picking up extra hours at work and been really tired. I could ask him though." Truth be told we've been arguing like it's nobody's business and I feel like we're on the verge of a break up.

"Okay we'll let me know what he says" god bless her soul.

I get my phone out to send him a quick text just to see if he'd give it a thought
To Asshole: Hey my mom was wondering if you were going to come to her house for dinner tonight. It's the 4th so why not?

That seemed decent enough right? Yeah I barely like talking to him right now. It's either he's never home or I'm never home to avoid each other. No one knows this at all and it's adding so much stress on me. Work just started getting a flow and I'm thinking of going back to school soon but now I don't know. My phone dings on the table where it's charging.

From Asshole: Just because it's the 4th doesn't mean I want to be around anymore than I need to be. What is your mom making I'll decide on that.

I'm going to rip his eyes out and make him eat them if it's the last thing I do I swear.

To Asshole: Wanna know what no we actually aren't doing anything anymore sorry to have bug you.

I send it and slam my phone down proudly. No dumb ass man is going to talk to me like that. Why I'm still with him lord knows. I think it's because I have the decency not to do a break up text or because he's great at gaslighting me into feeling bad for him at times.

I mute my phone and walk to my mom who's by the stove. "Mommy" she hums as a response "I love you so much and thank you for every opportunity you've given me in life" I hug her.

"Awww darling what's this about are you okay?" She coos too me.

"I'm perfectly fine I just feel like I don't thank you enough. Like I have my own business, yes it took time but you and dad stood by me the whole way through it. And I don't think I've thanked you enough." She looked about ready to cry "Aww mom I didn't say that to make you cry"

"I know it's just that I'm so proud of you. You're about to be twenty-four and already so strong and independent. Not saying your sister isn't but still it just amazes me how you started so low not you're at the very top" she smiles at me. And now it's my turn to cry. We were about to hug when we heard a banging on the door.

"What the fuck?!?!" I charge to the door unlocking it "Who the fu-" I'm cut short when I see a livid Noah standing in front of me. "What are you doing here" I asked shocked and a little annoyed.

"Why the fuck weren't you answering your phone? I've told you answer any text and calls you get from me haven't I" he reached out for my arm on the door only for my to pull back "So you lied there is something still happening today huh? I bet your mom would love if I'd come by" he pushed by me stepping into the house. "Valerie hi" I just slam the door shut.

This is officially the worst 4th of July ever.

The following night at Violets apartment

I'm so exhausted tonight was way too much. I had to play pretend happy relationship all fucking night and I'm done officially done. I need to end this relationship or I'll go mad. I just need to tell him it's over and that's it big girl pants Violet come on.

"Noah I need to talk to you please" I walk into the living to find him on his phone. "It's serious so please just listen until I'm done."

"Fine hurry I have to sleep soon" he waved me with his hand. Asshole.

"I will always have love for you because you were my first love, my first kiss, first everything. But I know even you feel it the love isn't there like it used to be. I'm not saying it's your fault completely because at some point I gave up trying to fix us just cause it was too much. And now seeing how we are I can't do it anymore. Like I said I will always have love for you but I can't be in this relationship anymore." I take a deep breath after my rant and I think I did pretty well until I here a breathless chuckle coming from the couch.

"You're crazy you know that right? No man would ever want a woman with you mental instability. And you wouldn't even want me to get started on the things I've heard said about your body so be LUCKY I'm with you still. Sleep on the couch for what you said" he stormed out leaving me speechless.

I walked over to the couch and broke out into a quiet sobbed. It hurt hearing what he was saying I felt like it was true but I know it wasn't because I've been called beautiful a goddess by strangers and yet I get treated like this. I took a beep breath to stop crying and got it together.

"I need to get it together to leave him. I need my own apartment" I mumbled to myself before knocking out on the couch.

Okay so this is not edited and I'm rewriting what I had for this story so bear with me pls. I hope you do enjoy tho.
Love P.

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