Hello again lovers how is everyone doing today? Me? Stressed like a mothereffer. Again if the pictures and videos aren't available please tell me. Enjoy


August 18th

It's been two weeks since my birthday, two weeks since me and Noah broke up, two weeks since I met Harry. Yet the strongest thing on my mind is the man I've only met once that actually made me feel seen and accepted in a couple of hours. Do I regret my choice in not wanting to hookup or swap numbers? No because I know I need time to heal from what Noah has done to my mental health and it's a lot of damage. I've scheduled an appointment with a therapist and it's later today thankfully to get some stress off my shoulders.

Right now I'm currently on my third client of the day and it's only two o'clock in the afternoon and I'm due for my hour lunch soon. I've been up since six am and am exhausted. My last client is at eight tonight; I over booked this month so I could get a couple days off for the up coming holidays. Oh the holidays I need to stalk up on seasonal colors and essential.

"Mae you okay?" My client aka Jo asks me. Me and Jo have been best friends for the longest. It's my sister and my first best friend then Jo. She's been with me through all my troubles and me with her. I love her with all I have.

"Hm oh yeah sorry. Just the holidays are coming up and I'm thinking about all the stuff I have to order and the financials of it all." I whine about it. I knew owning a business was gonna be a bitch but I thought it would be more fun. Not that it isn't I love my business and wouldn't give it up for anything.

"You have people for the financial stuff and doesn't Nat order everything?" She asks.

"True on both points but I d the inventory. I write out what needs to be ordered and then when said order is in I recheck the inventory." I start stressing and try refocusing on her last nail I'm doing. "It's just I don't know my anxiety and stress is overloaded right now." I pout finishing her nails.

"I'm so sorry you're feeling this way Mae" she grabs my face and squishes my cheeks resulting in me laughing. "There's that smile that everyone loves. Listen how about we clean up here and I show you this cute coffee shop I found near downtown?" And that's exactly what we did. We cleaned everything up; I got dressed into some flare jeans with a lime green crop top and Nikes then we were off.

In the car we're talking about these past two weeks with the radio as soft back noise. I half half a mind to bring out Harry but I rather keep those thoughts to myself even though I know she'd support me if I'd try to find a way to reach out to him. After a twenty minute drive we arrive safely thankfully, cars give me such anxiety.

"They have a really big menu for drinks and sweets so you can go wild my treat" she hangs an arm on my shoulder as we walk in. I really adore this girl with my all.

"No don't do that please we split the bill last time so that means it's my turn to pay." Turning to her I see her ready to fight me on this.

"No you're a stressed little thing right now so the bill is going to be on me the only added stress is going to be choosing what you want." She pats my head and turns me back to the menu. I just give in because she's a stubborn woman.

Due to stress I think I'm just going to go with a basic a iced caramel macchiato with and extra shot of espresso and maybe a carrot cake slice. My mouth is watering at the site of it I love cream cheese frosting. I order my drink and food first then Jo so she can pay for us.

I actually take a look around while trying to find a place to sit and this cafe is honestly so cozy. High ceilings, wooden floors, metal and wood accents here and there, what seems to be like a little book nook in a corner and a couple of booths to sit in. I'd come back here and probably loose track of time if I were alone.

"My only request is that you get our order my social anxiety can't handle going to get all that stuff by myself." She shakes her head like she's seen a bunch of spiders.

"Of course you know we're working though social anxiety slowly but surely. I sat in a restaurant alone the other day and ate most of my food before freaking out" I say proudly. Growing up sheltered caused so much damage but I do love my parents dearly.

"Order for Jo" the barista calls out from the counter for our coffee and sweets. Oh I'm so ready for that carrot cake.

"Thank you so much have a great day " I smile at the girl behind the counter turning to walk to our table. I bump into someone in the process though ; when I look up I wish I would just disappear. I'm looking straight into my ex boyfriend's eyes and HE looks pissed.

"What the hell Vi!!" If men are gonna have one thing it's the audacity "You nearly spilled coffee on me you idiot!" He shouts. I laugh in his face and walk around him to go sit at my table. "Don't walk away from me I'm talking to you you du-" he's cut off by another voice.

"Violet? Are you okay?" And of course Harry comes into my view what are the chances. He towers Noah by at least 4 or 5 inches which is pretty comical in my eye's right now.

"Harry" I respond breathlessly "Ye-" Noah rudely cuts me off before I can speak.

"Excuse me who are you and how do you know my girlfriend?" Now it's my turn to interrupt this whole conversation because I start laughing hysterically and Jo joins me too.

"GIRLFRIEND?? Oh dude you're a joke. Sorry Harry like I was saying yeah I'm fine this is my loser ex that's leaving now because no one what's him here." I wave him away and he looks livid "Oh wait Noah now that you're here if you would so kindly return my things that you took before I call the police I'd appreciate it." I whisper to him. After that he stormed off like a little kid.

"Oh my goodness Mae did that really just happen or am I dreaming?" Jo shakes me but im staring at Harry who is smirking at me. I just nod at her and she catches where my eyes are stuck and whispers "Get it girl you got this"

"That was your ex then? If you can handle him I bet you can handle anything huh?" He's still smirking at me and lord my mind is in the gutter. He's wearing blue jeans with a rip at the knee, a pink hoodie, and some worn in white vans. He looks cozy.

"I'm a pretty strong woman if I do say so myself. So you getting coffee?" I ask him rocking back and forth on my feet. "You can join me and Jo if you'd like"

With a breathless laugh he shakes his head "These past two weeks I haven't stopped thinking about you you know that." I stop rocking on my feet at this statement. "You're something else I don't know if it's in that single dimple or how when someone is talking they have your full attention. I'd love to sit with you for coffee but I have a meeting with my friend in fifteen minutes and I'm hoping that by chance I'd be able to get your number so we can meet up again?" He pleads with me.

I want to say yes then I want to say no. I know it would be stupid to say no because he literally just confessed he finds me intriguing and wants to get to know me basically. Yet if I say yes that would be rushing to find something new right? I don't know.

"You dumb bitch just give him your number or I will give it to him" Jo whisper shouts behind me loud enough for Harry to hear. Resulting in a giggle from him.

"Hand me your phone" He had the biggest smile on his face while handing me his phone. "Don't make me regret giving you my number please "

"You won't regret it at all pretty girl"

Getting call pretty girl, darling, sweetheart, or honey all result in me on the floor. If you have any nicknames that I could use for them pls lemme know. V&C

Love P

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