Can y'all tell me if the video and pic went up I can't tell. Anywho here's this chapter hopefully you enjoy


August 5th 2023

Violet's POV
Today's my favorite day of the year.... My motherfucking birthday. Oh my lord to be blessed another year with the ones that I love and even the ones I dislike honestly. I'm spending the morning and evening with my family and some friends. Then later on tonight finally going to be free. I've barely talked to Noah because he's barely been around thank the lord for that he's honestly probably cheating on me again not that I care I'm emotionally detached from him already.

"¿Entonces te vas a casar pronto o que?" My grandma ask me out of nowhere.

"Woah woah woah. Listen lady" I turn to her shocked holding my fork at her. "It's been four years with him and if I'm being completely honest I don't think I even want to marry him or be with him anymore" I shrug only for her to smile at me. What the hell is she on about

"What do you mean you don't want to be with him anymore he's been with you through so much and he loves you" my mom tells me only for me to scoff at her words.

"Mom last we really talked was like two weeks ago and it was about me paying the rent this month even though he should be paying half he isn't and hasn't been for over a year. Nor does he pay any of the bills, cook, clean, or do anything. Mom I'm checking out of MY relationship because in the end I deserve so much better and everyone here knows it. Now let's enjoy the rest of my birthday yeah." I nod fixing my little crown I have on.

Two hours later I'm driving home with a very full belly and trunk full of presents. It's only 4 o'clock so I have time for a power nap then I'll shower and get ready. Walking up my apartment stairs was a hassle itself because the elevator is broken it's constantly stairs and it's hell in this heat. By the time I get to the door I'm panting.

When I first walk in the little hallway something seems off it's always quiet when Noah's not here but it's a different quiet right now. As I walk into the living room I see it MY tv gone, MY coffee table gone, I run to the bedroom to find all my clothes on the floor and again MY dresser gone. I look in the closet and all his clothes are gone too he left my couches, vanity, fridge, and laptop. He's gone finally gone. I started laughing like a mental patient and I couldn't stop.

He literally waited for my birthday so he could dump me. Wow that's literally a new low for him. I try to text him and it doesn't go through.

"This fucker blocked me!!" I hysterically laughed I think I'm losing my mind. I could be petty and call the cops for theft. I mean that's what I should do it's over $1000 worth of stuff but then his back lash would be so much worse. Ima have to sit on that one. For now..... I'm officially single and ready to mingle. At that I fall asleep on my pile of clothes on the floor.


I wake up to my phone ringing in my ear loudly and painfully. "Stop it please " I reach out trying to answer the phone. "Hello?" I answer only to have missed the person's call. "Oh sorry for missing you phone call but thank you for waking me up"

It's now dark out and I look at the time to see it's 7:30pm. Good god I slept for three and a half hours well I'll be good for tonight that's for sure. I lazily get up and trot my way to take a full head to toe shower not ready for the work it's gonna take. After an hour in the shower I'm finally done and exhausted again. Long curly hair is a curse and a blessing at the same time. I take my time putting my skincare on and put heat protectant in my hair because I'm going to blowout my hair.

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