TW: Mention of death, miscarriage, and car accidents. If you get triggered by either I'll put a * at the start and end and a brief summary at the end of the chapter. I am going to make a playlist for this book but better off by Ariana Grande makes me think of this chapter I recommend. All the love x.


      August 29th

Reading Harry's text made me feel all types of feelings that I didn't know how to comprehend at this moment and I didn't know what to do. So I texted the group chat before responding to him.

Me: I need advice and fast

Sista: What's up girlie pop?

Livi: Hey what's up?

Me: I'm talking to a guy well I was now trying to talk to him again and he wants to call me and I have anxiety thinking about it. I like him I do but I am too scared because I don't want to get hurt and I'm not ready to start another relationship.

Jo: Have you told him any of this honey. I think if he knew this he would understand and take a step back if that's what you what. Is that what you what?

Amelia: I'm pretty sure she doesn't know what she wants did you not read what we all read. Look Violet I just say go with what you're comfortable with.

Sista: Amelia shut up pls. Vi I love you and think you deserve the best in the whole wide world; but I also think you need time to learn to love and appreciate yourself. Maybe do talk on the phone and talk about how you need these boundaries.

Nat: I agree with Rosie 100%

Me: Yeah I do too. Thank you guys I really needed this I'm gonna go talk to him. Love you

Taking a deep breath I pace my living room building the courage to call Harry. Without time to give it a second thought I dial Harry's number. It rings once before I hear his voice.

"Violet" He sounds so soft if that even makes sense. "I wasn't expecting you to call me honestly. Um give me one second yeah?" I hear rustling sounds like paper being shuffled around.

"Of course but if it's a bad time we could talk a-" I'm cut off but a shout.

"NO! Um sorry didn't mean to shout, but I really wanna talk to you I just need to clean up really quick." I could tell he was feeling as anxious as I was which was honestly settling.

"Of course take all the time you need no rush" I softly say. And it takes about 5 minutes of him rushing to clean up on the other end of the phone till I hear his voice again.

"Alright that should do. Hello darling how are you doing?" He huffs breathlessly.

"I'm doing just fine honestly how are you doing yourself?"

"Not to bad. Been up since six am it's now half past four yes?" I check my clock on the wall and hum as a response "Have you ate today?"

"I've only had breakfast and a snack today not going to lie. I had a busy day and I was rushing a lot I'm surprised I even fit in breakfast. I'll most likely eat another snack right now or have a protein shake. What about you?" I feel like I'm just copying his questions but our conversation is flowing which is good.

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