I didn't go to bed until 7 am this morning and I'm exhausted. Anywho let's get to this chapter.

                             August 5th 2023

"So Violet was it?" The tall man now known as Harry tries to clarify with me.

"Yup Violet like the color and flower" I smile after taking a sip of my new drink he just bought me. Good god Palomas are delicious.

"I've heard loads of names but never Violet, we'll maybe as a middle name or stage name." He tells me while looking down at me. Some how in my 3 inch heels this man is still taller than me. Well that's not saying much that's only make me 5'5 average height bu- "Earth to Violet you alright in there darling didn't mean to offend" he softly says

"No no no. No offense taken I always tell my mom my name is very different and she just tells me it's because she knew I was going to be a beautiful soul" I sort of rant not really knowing what I was saying.

"So what is you full name?" He smirks at me. NOT FLIRTING MY ASS! Yes he's hot but wait yeah he's hot maybe I should flirt hit it and quit it.

"Why should I tell you my full name we've only been talking about me nothing about you sir." I smile sweetly at him "I'll sit on the thought of giving you my full name but for now thank you for saving me from the guy and thank you for this drink" I pat his hand that's on the bar and turn to leave him with a shocked look on his face. Teasing men is what I used to do when I was single if they don't give in they don't find me worth it so they aren't worth my time either.

"Wait wait wait" he softly grabs my hand to stop me from walking away. "Um me and my friends have a booth upstairs and if you and your friends or whoever your with want to join us for your birthday celebration I'd love to have you." I feel his thumb on the back of my hand rubbing in circular motions.

"Are you sure I wouldn't want us to intrude on your on celebration or party you have going out" I honestly tell him because I wasn't expecting an invitation like this.

"Of course I'd love to. You wanna go get your group and I'll check where mine is?" He asks and all I do is nod. Oh lord his dominance is something else, I've never feel so confident yet submissive at the same time because of a random man.

I leave him at the bar to find my small group to tell all of them the new plan for tonight of course.
"Rosie!!" I call out for my sister once I see her a couple of feet in front of me. She turns to me and I can tell she's already intoxicated. "Oh god Ro I wasn't even gone for long how much did you drink?" I laugh

"Enough to know all men are trash all they're good for is sex if that. I should just date women honestly" she giggles. Okay so she's just tipsy because she always says this on a daily just not as passionate.

"That's good to know sissy. So I met a really cute guy at the bar that invited us to party with him and his friends on the second floor if we would like. And since it's MY birthday I am saying yes." All the girls are looking at me at this point with proud smiles.

"So you gonna fuck him?" Natalie asks bluntly

"Nat" "Natalie" "Oh fuck yeah do it" and "No" we're all shouted at the same time as a response.

"One I literally just got out of relationship not even twelve hours ago and two I don't even know him well enough to have sex with him" i replied shocked.

"But you wanna party with him?" My friend Olivia logically says. She's right but a party pooper sometimes.

"There's a big difference between parting and sex people. Now you're either joining me or not!" I started to walk to the stairs for the second floor. I look behind me to see them following through the sea of dancing bodies. I knew I'd get my way.

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