Corrupt, Racist Officials

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With annoyance Frollo put on his hat and went upstairs. He didn't need to go to the Bastille; the King was already at the Palace of Justice and waiting for him in his study. He wondered what could be so urgent, perhaps something related to the attack on the cathedral the previous night.

A guard bowed deep and opened the door for him. Frollo took a step inside, then stopped in his tracks. King Louis was standing near the window, indeed, but something else caught his eye. Something was lying inside- a coffin. Frollo felt his chest tighten. He moved towards it and, just as he thought, it was his little brother, Jehan.

A University student, Jehan used to be as different from Claude as a brother could be. He had little interest in God, little hatred for the Romani and little care for 'purifying' Paris. He only met Claude for seeking money, which he used to spend on women and wine. The last time he came to meet him, Frollo had thrown a pouch of money and said that he didn't care if Jehan became a vagabond. A vagabond he became, and lost his life while fighting alongside the Romani at the cathedral.

Frollo stared at Jehan's lifeless face. "That wretched gypsy. My brother died because of the gypsy girl," he thought. King Louis spoke, 'I'm sorry for your loss, Claude. When I went to the cathedral I recognised him instantly, and thought I should bring him here'.

'T-thank you, your h-highness', he responded, trying hard not to choke. King Louis sighed. 'I also wanted to speak to you regarding some other things. If you want, we can go to some other room and you can discuss the funeral later'. Frollo nodded.


'Jacques should be here anytime', said King Louis. Frollo had made them sit next to the fireplace, a fireplace that had seen more of him than anybody else had. And now it was seeing him wiping his tears. 'I heard that you have arrested around twenty gypsies today, and executed four of them', the King remarked.

Frollo replied, 'And the search for the remaining is still on. We shall get to all of them. They have been misleading the people from a long time, but now they have crossed their limit. This attack will not go unpunished'.

'I don't doubt that, Claude. But I also heard that you let that dancing girl go, because of whom all this began?' the King asked. Frollo shrugged his shoulders, attempting to appear nonchalant. 'Most of the soldiers were becoming sentimental, your highness. Tristan pleaded me to stop the execution. So, I did. She is still there in the dungeons, though.'

At that moment, the guard announced, 'Jacques Charmolue, sirs.' Charmolue was the state torturer responsible for getting confessions from prisoners, by hook or by crook. He also admired Frollo immensely. He bowed in front of the officials, before turning to Frollo and saying, 'My condolences for your brother, Monseigneur.'

'Thank you, Jacques. Sit down.'

He did so. King Louis began, 'You must have learnt about the attack by the gypsies last night, Jacques.' Charmolue nodded. 'Our army was quick to react. We captured twenty of the perpetrators, some of whom have been hanged. Their leader, Clopin is dead. We are still searching for more of them. But I am afraid that our efforts will be futile, as they will simply hide in the "Court of Miracles". If we really need to eradicate them, we must find their hideaway, and destroy it for all that matters'.

Frollo listened attentively. He had suggested the same before, but was met with laughter by the King. Now that the cathedral, which was the King's, had been attacked, he was taking Frollo's ideas. 'Do you want me to torture the rest of them, your highness?', Charmolue asked.

'Indeed. Once you get to the burrow, tell them to leave Paris. And Claude, hang every scoundrel who defies the King, even if it is a Parisian.'

'Yes, your highness', said Frollo. He had been wanting to do this from the past twenty years. 'And now', King Louis said, 'what we should do about the gypsy girl. If they cared enough for her to lay a siege, surely, they can attack the Palace of Justice. We can get rid of her now to avoid future troubles.'

Frollo thought rapidly. He must think of someway to prevent the King from killing Esmeralda. Luckily for him, Charmolue said, 'I don't think that is wise, your highness. If they love her that much, they may become even more outraged if we kill her. It is optimal to avoid doing anything that may lead to a civil war. Also, the girl is a delicate flower, we can just send her out of Paris and tell her to never return'.

'Jacques is right', Frollo added. 'But I think we should keep her with us for some time. We can use her as a bait if the need arises.' King Louis thought for some time. 'I believe you are correct, Claude. Just keep your eye on her', he said after a minute.
Frollo thought, "I certainly will, Louis. I certainly will."


Frollo did not sleep well that night. He was haunted by nightmares of being confronted by his parents for failing to take care of Jehan. He dreamt that Esmeralda died, and he died too, then got sent to hell for destroying her life. He dreamt of the Romani he had executed today, and of Clopin.

He ultimately decided to get up and read a book on Alchemy. But for once he couldn't focus. Charmolue saved him today, he thought, but he knew that he must start brainstorming. If he wanted to bring Esmeralda to the Palace of Justice as a mistress, (or wife, for that matter, it would be seen), he must think of some explanation. He would teach her to act normally. She was already broken, he just needed to mould her again, under his guidance.

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