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A/N- I'm being honest, this chapter is going to be dark, and maybe the next one too. Feel free to skim over parts if you feel uncomfortable, this is bad. 

Despite him being silent on the way, she knew that she had botched-up. She got shoved on the floor as soon as they entered his chamber. Her hands stopped the fall so she wouldn't hit her head. Frollo paced about the room, seething.

She broke the quiet in hopes that it would calm him. 'I acted stupid.'


'Forgive me. I didn't want to ruin it. It was just that talking to him after so much time, it made me lose my mind- '

'It baffles me,' he spat, walking from one corner to the other. 'What have I not done for you? Despite all you did to me, I saved your life and kept you. Let you eat my food, sleep on my bed. Made a vagrant who lived off shamelessly exhibiting herself the mistress of the Palace of Justice. Given you the wealth and luxuries you so like to indulge in. And you reward me with betrayal and giving way to your childish infatuation.'

She pleaded, 'Claude, I give my word that I don't love him anymore. Please, I know that I butchered up, but believe me.'

'Oh, I saw it,' he mocked. "Oh, Phoebus, you are my everything. Take me away from the hell of these monsters. I was always yours."

'I was mindless. But I promise, Claude! I don't love him.'

He clenched his jaw as he reached the small table which held the bottle of Bourgogne. 'If you think that you are a noblewoman now, you are mistaken. You are a mere concubine of mine. Everything you are is due to me. If it weren't for me, you wouldn't even have clothes on your body.'

Her hands were getting clammy. 'I am grateful to you for-'

'Don't interrupt me. You cry his name when he gladly took fortune over you. I thought that you are finally seeing my love. That you are trying to forget your idiotic captain and show me some kindness. I should have known that you were just taking advantage of me.'

'I didn't. Please, forgive me.'

He snarled, 'I am at a loss as to what you see in him. He abandoned you to death, and I saved you. He left you for his pampered bride, while I degenerated myself for you. But I suppose that you cannot be expected to appreciate love. You love him simply because he is handsome, and reject me for I'm old and ugly.'

She countered, 'You give me misery.'

'Do not speak of misery to me! What do you know of it? Nothing. Do you know what is misery? It is to love a woman who is lewd; who is beneath the society of the civilized, whom you know you should have nothing to do with. It is to have each facet of your life be tormented by someone you cannot have. To live an honourable life of holiness and rationality, only to lose it to shame for a mad passion that you know will consume you if not met. It is to lose your upright soul,' his hands trembled with anger, 'for a wretched whore of the serpent, and yet to covet her caress.'

He paused for some time, seemingly gasping for air. She stuttered, 'Then let me be. I will leave with my mother. You will never be troubled again.'

'And go back to writhing in my nights, craving your flesh? Be tortured, knowing that you are somewhere else, perhaps in the arms of some other philanderer? I would rather burn down Paris,' the man laughed bitterly. Esmeralda was shaking with fear.

He picked up the bottle in a grasp that made it seem like he intended to strangle its neck. 'Know that I shall find you. The fly shall always fall back in the spider's web. I will not stop. I will have you; or nobody shall!' Gritting his teeth, his lips tightened as he flung the bottle at her. It was luck that her body reflexed in time to dart across the side. The green glass shattered in a pool of red drink.

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