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3rd pov,
A young woman looked around, around her was a forest. She got up and wiped the dirt on her shirt and sighed for a long time

???: Where am I now? Wasn't I in the living room earlier?

Suddenly a blue screen system appeared in front of him.

???:(jump a little bit+shocked)

[Welcome to the beast world,Miss Cristine Angelique]

Cristine: (widen eyes) The heck that thing? How does that thing know my name? What is this place (clench shirt)

[Miss Cristine now in a novel called 'Beauty and the Beasts']

Cristine: (chuckle nervous) I'm sorry beauty and what?

[The world of beauty and the beasts where beastmen will mate by only one female, and one female will have more than one mates/lovers]

Cristine: (sweatdrop) Is this what I heard from my old friends called this reverse harem story, Mr. Narrator?


Cristine: (snap finger) I know from this story Beauty and the beasts,well I didn't read that novel much.But...from what I heard by my old friends the main protagonist is Bai Qingqing,right?


Cristine:But why am I included in this novel? You know that I am not main protagonist in this novel.In fact,my character is not in this novel at all?.


Cristine: (fold arms) Why are you silent?

[I hope you will have fun in this world and all the best to your new adventure]

The screen system disappeared,Cristine gape open mouth and eyes unblinking

Cristine:He didn't answer my questions.... did he ignored my questions? Hmmm... When I think back, there was a time when my old friends asked me questions about this novel.

Friend A: Kyaa!! Fortunately,Bai Qingqing has more than one husband.

Friend B: Right,their children are cute too. You should read this novel,Cris. (happy tone)

Cristine was chewing cotton candy at the time and just showed an empty reaction to the two of them

Cristine:What..(nom) is the best (nom) of that novel? (nom)

Friend B: (gasp) You should read this novel first, then you can comment on whether or not this novel is the best.

Friend A: Cris, if you were to be included in this novel,which husbands would you choose?

So Cristine had to look for the male lead characters of the novel in her phone. Her eyes looked at the male leads characters one by one.

Cristine:Umm~~ if I were included in the novel you read,I might choose Harvey,Curtis and Winston. Even though I don't know what the male leads actually look like.

Friend A & B: WHAT?! (shouted)

Cristine: please don't scream too loud. My ear hurts. (rubs ears)

Friend A: Oops,sorry.But seriously, Cris?did you choose characters like that?

Friend B:But why them?


Friend B:Chris?

Cristine:(sigh) I don't know,but if I was in the novel I would propose the three of them as my husbands and I would protect them from the threat of danger even if I was willing to sacrifice myself.(jumb herself+grin)

Her friend's eyes sparkled as he covered his mouth with tears.

Friend A & B: YOU SO COOL!!! CRIS!! 😭😭

Cristine: Heh,it's normal.(crossed legs+flip medium hair+😏)

End Flashback

Cristine:(gasp)Did the words of my friends come true?NOOOOOOO!!!!(screaming in the forest)

The birds that heard her screams flew away in shock.

Cristine:(lifeless) Looks like I'm alone to get out of the thick forest. (sighs)

[You are not alone,Miss Cristine]

Cristine:KYAA!!Where did Mr. Narrator's voice come from?(muka pucat lesi)

[I'm in your mind. You don't have to worry, I'll also appear as a screen system]

Cristine:Cool.But...I need to put a suitable name for you..I won't have to call Mr. Narrator all the time,right?(rubs chin+thinking)

[??? Meaning Miss ?]

Cristine:(snap finger)I got this,Your name is now Narra.How's that?You can call me Cris.. no need to miss-miss.

[...Terima kasih beri nama pada saya,Miss Cris]

Cristine:I said..urgh..whatever..Now let's start the adventure in this new world.(smirked)



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