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Cristine:(sitting up straight)Harvey,there's a big secret I want to tell you (face serious)

Harvey:(face also turns serious)

Cristine:(take a deep breath+exhale)The big secret I want to tell you is that I'm not from here.

Harvey: (confused face) What do you mean you're not from here?Aren't you from the Ape clan?

Cristine:(Shaking her head quickly)No,I'm not from the Ape tribe.What I meant earlier is that I'm not actually from this world,I'm from another world.The real world I live is the same tribe as me,there called human.(smile)

Harvey:But why do you look like an Ape tribe?

Cristine:There are two differences between the Ape tribes and humans.The Ape tribes have opposable hallux (great toes) and they can move it laterally,while the human tribes have non-opposable hallux and Lateral movement is restricted.

Harvey nodded his head in understanding after hearing her explanation.

Cristine:Maybe in this world,the Ape tribe is a little different from my home world.

Harvey:(nodded)What is your world called?

Cristine:My world is called Earth and I am from *******.One more thing,Vey.


Cristine:The truth is,you and your clan don't exist.Neither do the tribes in this world.

Harvey:(widen eyes)W-what?(stutter)

Cristine:Yes,you,your tribe and other clans are just characters from a novel titled Beauty and the Beasts.The main character is Bai Qingqing, and you are one of the love interests who will fall in love with Bai Qingqing.

Harvey:What about you?

Cristine:(fake smile)As I said earlier,I am not from here and my character does not exist in the novel.Bai Qingqing is also like me,she is a human tribe.But she will say that she is from the Ape tribe.

Harvey:....May I asked something?

Cristine:Sure,got ahead.

Harvey:Why did you tell me all the truth?

Cristine:...Because I don't like to be lied to.But Vey,if Bai Qingqing comes here....and you fall in love with her,tell me quickly.But,I really hope you don't reject my proposal just because you fell in love with Bai Qingqing.

Harvey:(slamming the table)When did I reject your proposal?!I accept you as you are and I feel proud that you proposed to me.I also will not fall in love with anyone or Bai Qingqing beside you,My love.(firm tone+sharp reflection+soft)

Cristine:O-o-o-ohh~~th-than-thanks...(stuttering+red face holding back embarrassment+looks at the table)
Cristine:My love?Is that My new nickname...I love that nickname.(thought+🥰)

Harvey:(gets up from sitting)Ehem..do you want a shower?I can help prepare it for you.(sweet smile)


Cristine:God,thank you for creating a handsome creature in front of me. (thought+😭)
Cristine:Thanks you,Vey.

10 minutes later,
Harvey:Cris,I finished preparing your bath. You can clean yourself,I go hunt for food to us.

Cristine got up,then approached Harvey and stood in front of him.Her eyes gazed softly at him,Harvey's face mixed with a confused smile

Cristine:(looked up+tiptoe)Please be careful, ok.(worried face+caress his cheek softly)

Harvey held the hand that stroked his cheek while nodding his head slowly with a soft smile etched on his lips.Cristine also returned the smile.

Harvey:I will..

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