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Cristine walked with a tired face while holding a stick as a stick, her face looked like a grandmother. Meanwhile, she stopped walking for a moment and wiped the sweat on her forehead and neck. Not only that, her face and body were covered in mud.

Cristine:Hah..Hah..How long do I have to walk? Is there no village in the forest? I think my face does not look like a human.

[Please be patient,Miss Cris]

Cristine:(rolled eyes+💢)You say it's good that you don't remember what happened to me yesterday



Cristine cut down the bushes that blocked the way she was going by using a machete made by Narra the system.

Cristine: It's good to have a machete, it's easy for me to cut the bushes. Thanks, Narra.

[You're welcome Miss Cristine,but Miss also made a machete]

Cristine:Yes,but without you I really can't make this machete.(grin)

[Hehehe..Miss Cristine,in a few meters there is a river]

Cristine:(sparkle eyes)Nice,I can clean myself.

Without thinking,Cristine ran towards the creek and accidentally stepped something.


Cristine:(jumpa A little bit)Erk,N-nice leopard?(smiles weakly+step back slowly)

Leopard:(fierce face)Grr...ROAAR!!!(jump+attack)

As a result of the surprise of the jump (attack), Cristine hit the leopard's face until it was thrown a few meters away. The leopard passed out and the leopard's eyes spinning. Cristine the leopard who had passed out.

Cristine:Oh no,I accidentally punched his face.

[Don't worry,you can create a cure to get rid of wounds]
(Screen system appear in front her)

Cristine:Ooh!!(Chibi ver+Make the medicine through the blue screen system)

A few moment later,

Cristine:I just need to wipe the place I punched earlier,right?


Cristine carefully applied the medicine to the wound.After treating the leopard,Cristine got up and went to leave.

Cristine:Time to clean up mysel-umpph(fell in the nearby mud less than a meter away)

[Are you alright, Miss Cristine?]
(Worried tone)

Cristine:...(can't answer+👍+face still in the mud)

Cristine:What A bad luck yesterday..but it's not easy for me to give up.(burning eyes)

[Miss Cris,you almost arrived a Village]

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