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A few day later,
The relationship between Cristine and Harvey grew closer after they got to know each other. However,one day Harvey asked Cristine for the two of them to go to the next stage,which is to have a more intimate relationship. However,Cristine said something to Harvey that made he not question again that night.

At Midnight,
Harvey: lMy love?(head on Cristine's thigh + eyes closed)

Cristine:Yes,Vey dear?(Rubbing Harvey's head +looking at the sky+while playing with the ring on Harvey's finger)

Harvey:(opens eyes+staring at Cristine's face)I want us to do the next phase,it only the two of us.

Cristine:(look at Harvey's face + tilt head) Huh?Just the two of us?

Harvey:I want to mark with you.(serious tone + serious eyes)

Cristine:(Choke on air+blush)You mean...you want to mate me?

Harvey:(nod+stroke her cheek)I want you to be mine,My love Cristine.Can I?(soft look)

Cristine's eyes were wide open with her heart beating non-stop,a caress on her cheek made her feel temporarily hot.Cristine responded to Harvey's gaze with love.

Cristine:Oh Harvey dear,I also want you to be mine but...(thought)
Cristine:Harvey,I want you to be mine too.. but...

Harvey:(sitting straight in front of her)But what?(gasp+sigh)Is it because I don't have tetras like the others that you don't want to mate with me? (🥺)

Cristine:(cuts quickly)Not like that!I want us both to know each other's hearts first.

Harvey:(tilt head+clueless face)But...we already know each other's hearts.


Cristine:My heart...please don't look at me like that.. My Harvey dear.(thought)
Cristine:Ehem,yes I know we already know each other's hearts.But I want both of us to be really ready for this phase,and...I'm not ready to have children.(mumble)

Harvey:(shocked face)What?But why?

Cristine:(sad smile+hugging her knees tightly)I can't tell.

Harvey:(sigh+small smile)If you're ready...let me know ok?(stroking Cristine's cheek lovingly)

(Silent atmosphere)

Cristine:...Can you close your eyes,Vey?I have a gift for you...(eyes smile)

Harvey:(confused face follows and closes his eyes)


Harvey:(open eyes wide + touch lips + shocked)...

Cristine:Do you like the gift I gave you? KYAA?! (small scream)

Cristine's head was pulled back and her lips connected with Harvey's lips.Harvey kissed Cristine's tiny lips and Cristine returned the kiss.From a soft kiss to a passionate,a sigh was heard through their kiss.Cristine moaned softly as Harvey's tongue fought with hers, while her hands wrapped Harvey's neck and her chest rub against his body.

Cristine:Hmm~Vey~Ngh~Enough~Hmm~I need water~~(closed eyes+moan)

Harvey:(fingers trailing Cristine's back)You're so cute My love~~💕 (smirk+husky tone+kissing Cristine's lips again)

Cristine:(ba-thump)Is-is that Harvey voice? Why does he use that voice when he kisses me? (thought+blush)

15 minutes later,
Harvey let go of Cristine's tiny lips and each took a breath.Harvey gulped when in front of him,Cristine's tired face with her red cheeks looked beautiful.Harvey's eyes didn't blink looking at Cristine's tired face,he gritted his teeth.

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