The Grey Butterfly 11

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*I think this song is just amazing. I mean Ed Sheeran is just amazing. This is Harry and Mia's song. ENJOY*

*Two days after*

"Mia," Candice's high tuned voice wined.

"Yes, yes your annoyingness," I mock with a bow. Right now I was leaning against the kitchen surface, contemplating the last 2 days.

She came marching in. "Did I not tell you to stay away from Harry!?" She cocked her head and pinned her hand to her hip. "He's taking me out tonight," she declared after a while.

He...what? My injured heart just took another beating. "Well...have fun," I say emotionless and pick up my glass of water, taking big long gulps to hopefully suppress my tears.

"Yeah," she pushed. "We're gonna have a great time, if you know what I mean." Winking, she walked out the room with her faint laughs filling my ears.

It had been two days. Two full days and I had not seen, nor heard from Harry. I had seen Gracie though, and she just acted as though nothing was wrong. I asked about him, of course, but she just brushed it over as if everything was fine. He wanted to talk to me and I pushed him away. What if now that I want to talk, he does the same to me?

"I'm leaving," I shout to the remaining people in the house.

"Where are you going?" Candice pops her head round to corner of the door and interrogates me.

"I need to go see someone," I say truthfully and leave through the front door.

"Well have fun. I know I will tomorrow," her smile was more a smirk and she mockingly waved to me.

Millions of questions ran through my head. What if we just fight again? What if he throws me out? What if he says we can never be friends, because that's all I've ever wanted, is for us to be friends? Before I knew it, I was standing in front of the Dragmore's door. I raised my hand to knock, but it didn't meet the tall wooden door. I had to breath. I had to keep reminding myself to breath instead of subconsciously doing it. My firm fist knocked quietly twice on the door and immediately it swung open to Harry's dad.

"Mr. Dragmore," I cleared my throat. "Would it be possible to speak to Harry?" I shake. Why so formal Mia?

"Mariana," he smirked, making my skin crawl. "How good it is to see you again. Please, come in," he welcomed.

"I hate to intrude, but I really need to speak to Harry," I pushed seeing as he had brushed over my question moments ago.

"Would you like a drink?" He lead me over to a cabinet in the first room connecting from the door.

"Em...I'm under age, sir."

"Oh, I'm sure I can keep a secret." He took a sip of the liquor in his freshly poured glass "I do say this scotch is quite fine." He stared at me for some time making me grow even more uncomfortable by the second. My eyes wandered to the framed picture that caught my eye hanging high above one of the many mantle pieces they have in this giant house. A butterfly. A grey butterfly painted and outlined in fine, black shading in certain areas. "It's beautiful, isn't it?" His eery voice asked.

"It's definitely a work of art, sir," I comment politely.

"Such beautiful creatures. Their delicate wings and their ability have transparency."

I just nod. "Sir, I don't mean to be rude, but I really have to speak with Harry."

"He's no good for you darling. Merely just one of my many glitches. Remember darling, the road to fixing a broken heart is the steepest."

"Father," Harry's rough voice was like music to my ears. "You should have told me we had a guest." He bit.

"I'm sorry," I apologized. "I shouldn't have just turned up here. I should have called." I rushed and started for the door.

"No," Harry begs. "I think we need to talk"

"Yes, we do." I agree.

"Now, look at you both fighting already, over nothing I would presume. Just wait my dear, until there really is something for you both to fight about. I guess, Harry, it's your only way to test her loyalty."

"What is he talking about?" I ask Harry, slightly on edge. His face was steeped red with anger.

"We all have our secrets my dear. Ours are just slightly larger than others." He downs the last of his drink and exits the room.

"Harry?" I question. What was he talking about?

"Ignore him. He doesn't like me very much and is trying his hardest to make me miserable."

"I make you happy?" I whisper, stunned.

"Yes, kitten. You do." He pulled my hair and tucked it behind my ear, looking down at my bare face.

"Please don't call me that," I croak. Not from anger but from the affection he was showing me.


I had realized I gave him the wrong message. "You cannot call me kitten and then take my sister on a date tomorrow. It's not fair...for either of us."

"What?!" He says, completely stunned. "I'm not taking your sister out. Are you mad?" He laughs.

"But....But she said," I tried to put the pieces together in my head but none of it made any sense.

"I want to take you out," he emphasizes and my heart drops to my ass.

"We can't." My eyes immediately drop to the floor. "I think we just need to be friends." Why was I doing this to myself? Was I trying to punish myself? Was I trying to punish him?

"What?!" He asked, totally taken aback. "Mia...." Had I really made him speechless? "Do you think we could grab coffee tomorrow? I have things to do.. We can talk all about this then," he spoke emotionless.

"Em yeah...Sure, I guess."

What have I done?!?!?


This is shocking coming from the author but is Mia becoming a little whiny and annoying. Really wanted to give a few more hints off until the large part of the plot is told so keep on guessing and I will narrow it down for you all. Harry and Gracie are not Vampires. Tell me if you liked this chapter or not, I promise I tried.

So I also have a little task for all you lovely people. I love love to know what you think should be Mia and Harry's song. I love Kiss Me by Ed Sheeran and I think it's pretty god damn perfect but I would like to know what you all think and I will include them in the upcoming chapters. Also one for Gracie and Jess would be amazing. I have no idea for them. P.s there will be more to come of Jess and Gracie.....almost literally, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm disgusting I know.




AND STAY WEIRD>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>... LOVE YOU ALL!

~Edited 27/07/2015

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