The Grey Butterfly 31

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*All will be revealed*

Some people come into you life as blessings, some come as lessons I was still to figure out which one Harry was.

I didn't know what happened after he told me he loved me, my best guess was that I blacked out because the next time I was concious I was back in Draco Manor. Harry takes me by my wrist, his grip was tight but not to the point of pain. My body recoils from his in fear "I don't understand?"
"That's why I'm going to show you," he dragged me up the hundreds of stairs and into his familiar bedroom. To much has happened here I thought to myself. "Sit." he demands and begins to pace. "I need to tell you this even though I don't but you're mine" I get the feeling that this is more for his encouragment then mine. "Promise me you won't run?" he askes, broken and torn.
"Why am I here?" my voice shakes. He sits down beside me, not to close, not to far.
"I want to tell you everything"
"What if I don't want to know" I snap.
"You do. You need to know" he sharply inhaled "Have you ever noticed anything weird about me?"
Is he shiting me?! My eye brow springs up but I only nod.
"My family we're...different". Yes I know i've realized "My sister and I we aren't normal, well human" he corrected himself.
"Gracie too? I should have known"
He seemed unsure of what he was telling me "My fathers a scientist and he's been working very hard for the past tweleve year to create a human being outside of the womb" He swallowed. My lungs crushed me and squeezed out the only breath I had in me, my eyes dry from lack of blinking.
"This isn't real" I mumble and I take my head in my hand "It's not real, your just messing with my head" I turn away from him, If I couldn't see him maybe I'd eventually believe he wasn't there.
"It is real. I wouldn't lie to you, not you, not anymore"
"I'm leaving, I have you leave, you've got to let me leave" I ramble on and cut across for the door.
"Stop!" he shouts and grabs hold of me. "I can prove it" he says desperatly.  I stop in my stance. He raises the bottom of his plain black shirt, my eyes dropped lower than his face which brought a slight glow to my cheeks. I scan my eyes up and down the skin on his toned torso but the was one great difference. There was not belly button. His skin was smooth, flat with no evidence of one ever being there either. "I am just one of my father's experiments" he confessed, more to himself than me.
"My brain is like a giant hard drive" he said tapping his skull "Movement, language, objects, thing they was all uploads into me. This happened a year back the day we met, he watched over us and trained us like dogs until we were the perfect copy of a human being. The day we met was the day i'd ever felt the sun on my skin, the first time i'd ever smelt the Earths rich, the first day i'd ever seen true beauty" He reached over wearily and ran the back of his hand down the side of my cheek. I was fixed in my stance; My body was running of adreniline, my heart thumping in my chest fighting to break free, I wouldn't think, I couldn't see, I could barely feel his touch on the side of my face.
"But things went wrong" he explains "There are always faults and malfunctions. Sometimes we come across a little abnormal, things that are so simple to you are so dificult to me. We slip up when we're talking and activly doing things"
"Why are you telling me all of this?" I ask. The ache working it's way into my head like the words into my ear. It was beginning to get to much.
"I'm getting to that part. Along with the default there are also rewards with being inhuman. Gracie and I we can talk to each other without being in the same room, show things to each other with out a picture or a physical object. That's how I told Gracie about you, that's how she knew exactly when she met you in the school halls on our first day" I didn't know mentally and physically how much more I could take of this. "My sences are also hightened, I can see things that can't be seen by the naked eye aand touch, I feel it more deeply." he whispers with his hands on me for his own comfort. "I need one thing from you before I tell you what all of this has been leading up to"
"What?" my voice cracks.
"I need you to kiss me". For the first time sincehe's proven all of this to me I look his directly in the eye. They were sad, broken, disgusted. He was everything that my Harry wasn't but he was my Harry.
"I don't know if I can do that" I regretably say.
"Please" he begs, "I need to know your feelings haven't changed for me...have they?" a frown took over his sorrowful face.
"I don't know" when I looked at him he was still the same Harry that my body and my mind craved but when he spoke all I heard was the truth about what or who he really is. My feelings however hadn't changed even though they should have but the in this moment my feelings for Harry overpowered my willing to do the right thing but I also knew in this moment that it would be our goodbye kiss even though he didn't know it yet.


Well there you have it you now know what Harry is but you don't know what shadow is falling Harry because the shocks do not stop there we still have another chapter left that may quite possibly kill you all sorry not sorry.

Love you all and I can't wait to read your comments filled with curses and profanities.

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