The Grey Butterfly 21

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Mia's Pov

My mother straighted my hair down with her hand and placed it neatly on my chest fiddling with the broach. As she found me on the stairs almost in a bucket on my own tears she took it into her own hands reading all the notes and shredding some of her own. She insisted on helping me get ready obviously making the situation a million times bigger then I'm sure it actually was.
"You're actually gonna wear that to his house?" Candice scowled whilst she watched over my mothers shoulder as I got ready.
"He gave me this to wear tonight" I emphasized.
"You may have your gown right now but when the clock strikes midnight you'll be back in your rages little sister"
"What can I say the ugly stepsister was always jealous of cinderella for taking her prince" my words had hit Candice right where she felt it most. She screamed in frustration and stormed out the room while my mother and I watched.
"What's with all these cinderella metaphors?" her eyebrows connected.
"Well both cinderella and the ugly sister wanted the prince and cinderella" I say pointing to me "Got him"
"You both like the same guy" she put the pieces together herself and I nodded my head in shame.
She finished with my hair and made me stand up as she took in every detail of her master piece.
"Are you getting serious with this boy" she held both of my hands in her aging ones.
"We're not together...well not officially thats the thing, with Harry and I complicated doen't even begin to explain it" I laugh to myself.
"But you like him" she stated and her eye brows folded even more but still I nod "Your both being careful though?" wow wow wow no!
"Woo, are you giving me the safe sex talk right now!" I begin to panic and my heart spead up, pumping blood to my cheeks.
"Look I just want to know your being safe?"
"Harry and I .....We're not like that" I stutter, my cheeks glowing rosy and my head dropped to the ground.
"Well even so I want to give you something cuz like hell will I be a grandmother, I'm only 21" she says stroking her wrinkled face.
"Mother you 41 not 21" I laugh.
"Same difference" she says and slips me something in a small thin packet. No!
"No, no, no, no" I stand to my feet and panic even more "Trust me I don't need this. Wait your my mother you should not be okay with this let alone going along with this and motivating me"
"Look your a teenager if I forbid you to do something then you'll want to do it even more but if I let you then you won't. Teenagers are strange minipulative creature" she cringes.
"Wait so your plan all along was knowing that you've given me this then I won't sleep with him?"
"Okay..but why tell me?"
"Because" she leans forward and whispers in my ear "Unlike your sister I trust you"
"Wait, wait I am so confused. Can I sleep with him or not?" I wave my hands.
"If your ready, yes and if not you wait. Just make sure your making the right decision" she leans forward and kisses me on the forehead lightly and then checks her watch "You better get going" turning me and pushing me through the door "You don't want to be late now, oh and put that in your purse"

On my way out the door I pass Candice and she gives me a look that says 'I've already dug your grave, now I'm waiting to bury you in it' then she says "Just remember dear sister if the glass slipper doesn't fit you, it will fit me" she spits and sways her hips as she leaves. What the hell was that supposed to mean?

Harrys Pov

"Mum!" I shout from my room "Is the table set?"
"Yes dear" she calls back. Two seconds later I shout for her again.
"Mum! is the food cooking?"
"Yes dear" I put on my skinnys and then shouted for her again.
"Mum! Should I wear a shirt or something?"
"Yes dear" I could hear her becoming impatient with me.
"For god sake Harry what is it now? Everything is done, the table, the food what else is there" she shouts restlessly. I run down the stairs jumping them two at a time and surprise her in the kitchen "All I wanted to say was thanks for doing this" I kissed her on the cheek "It means a lot, I'm nervous as it is"
"Are you going to tell her tonight?" Her eyes sparkled and I nod my head shyly. I feel both her hands on my shoulders before I see her.
"My beautiful strong boy" she sings with glossy eyes "I'm so proud of you. I see what she does to you, what you do to her. It's love. Not the kind of love that comes and goes like the wind or fades like the sun but the kind of love that you fight for until your last given breath, the kind of love you would die for. You're inlove my dear boy"  she cracks a simile and diagnoses me as a love stuck fool.
"It's strange" I whisper to her "I've never felt this emotion before, I don't know how to act, thats what scares me so much that I might push her away of even hurt her"
"This is as new to her as it is to you. Take it one day a time. She needs you like see needs survive....but you.."
"Don't need air..because I don't breath" I frown.
"No you don't but you still need her darling and you won't realized how much you need her until you lose her"
"I won't lose her" I growl.
"Harry Edward Dragmore do not growl at me I am your mother"
"Sorry" I recoil back.
"As you should. Now she will be here any second go shout your father and your sister"
I stride into the hall and call on my sister. I didn't know where my father would be he hand several location all over this house that he hides in "Dad!" I call.
"Yes son" I jump and turn to see him standing right behind me "Our favorite guest is coming for dinner I hear"
"Stay away from her"
"Hey, she's the one in my house"
I growl lowly and he smirks "Don't forget what you are my boy" he pats me over the shoulder and I flinch away from him "Just remember to do the right thing tonight"
"The right thing and the easy thing are never the same. You want me to chose the easy thing not the righ thing"
My father looked a me with an expression I didn't quite understand "The heart is a wild creature, that's why our ribs are cages. You just be careful or you'll be the creature I put in a cage" He snaps and then the door bell echos through the house he shakes his hands and put on a fake smile "Show time"


It depresses me that I'm counting down the chapter to the end :(

Hope you like.... :(

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